Sunday, August 12, 2007

Still Zonked Sunday

Before I forget, here is a web site that you might want to visit, it is for the no call registry where you can list you home phone as well as cell phone. Here is the address:

I just did our cell phones as well as our house phone. I never use to get unsolicited calls on my cell, but lately I have been getting a couple a week so I thought that I would add it to the no call registry. I think that the registry is only good for a few years, I noticed when I signed up today that it said good until 2012, and so if you have done it before and it has been a while it might pay to do it again.

Now for today: I woke up and was still worn out, but I wanted to get up and go to church as Dr Carl Laney was speaking in church this morning and I always try to make it when he is speaking.

As I went to start up the Wrangler this morning I hesitated before it finally turned over. It has been pretty close to a month since I have driven it anywhere and quite frankly, I would not have been surprised it the batter were dead in it, but it had just enough to kick the old starter over. So the trip to church charged it up enough that it should last another couple weeks anyway.

Now for the reason I was driving the Jeep, Kathleen had not gotten a lot of sleep the night before, so when she did not get up on her own accord, I just let her sleep and took the Jeep, so that if she woke up and wanted to go she would have her vehicle to take. As it turned out she did not get up until after 1100 so it really did not matter that I took the Jeep other than since the battery was almost dead it was good to take it out and charge the battery.

I left the Jeep out of the garage when I got home and I also left it run so as to give the battery a little extra charging. The reason I left it out was so that I could sweep out the garage or at least the side where I park the jeep. So many leaves and fir needles had blown in that I thought that while I had the Jeep out it would be a good time to sweep them up.

I was hungry when I got home so I made myself a half of a pita and stuffed it with some chicken salad that Kathleen made the other day. I also finished the cold slaw and macaroni salad after Kathleen had what she wanted out of them.

It was still overcast this afternoon and would have been a good day to finish painting the side of the house. But since I had no energy today, I decided not to push myself; I did not even take my daily walk, if fact I had all to do to stay awake as I was reading the paper and comics.

When I finally finished the paper, I decided that I would wash the clothes, so I sorted them out and asked Kathleen to make sure she had everything she wanted washed in the hampers. Once she finally got that done I took the clothes downstairs and washed and dried the clothes. Then when they were done, I took them upstairs and folded and put the away.

Just as I was finishing putting the clothes away, Kathleen called me and said that dinner was on the table. She heated up some clam chowder and made some biscuits which we had with Smucker's raspberry all fruit. If you have not tried the Smucker's all fruit, it is really good.

I became familiar with Smucker's while at college, I got to meet one of the Smucker boys and decided to try it. It started out as a small company in Orrville, Ohio and has grown into a fairly good size company; they also make Adam's peanut butter, another one of my favorites.

I think that I was first exposed to Smucker's ice cream topping at my Grandma Roush's house as she use to put Smucker's butter scotch topping on ice cream. I had forgotten about that until years later when I started using their ice cream toppings once in a while on my ice cream.

My how far from the path I traveled on that rabbit trail. Anyway, dinner was good, it was a pretty light meal and since I had not done anything today I did not need much of anything for dinner. Well, that about covers my day, I hope you had a more productive day than I did. I guess a good night is now in order, talk some more tomorrow!


Sue Albert said...

Thanks for the website. I keep my cell off unless I am traveling or need to make a call while out. So far, I have not received any spam calls, but I'm sure it can't be far away! I get enough on the house phone. Even though, I put our number on the "do not call list" when they first started it, maybe it has expired. I never thought of that!

We had a group here for a barbecue last night for Bill's 60th. I am wiped out! It seems like I am always wiped out lately.

Well, Mom has a pacemaker check this morning, so I have to get dressed, and get her up. Have a great day!

Bob Roush said...

That's right Bill's birthday is today. Wish him a happy birthday from us.