Friday, November 07, 2008

Finally I got to go Outside.

Yesterday I woke up and did not have a very good night; I did not get very much sleep and I felt like it when I finally got up. My sore throat was worse and my cough was getting better.

I wound up taking about three naps yesterday and I think that helped some; also taking drugs before I went to bed last night helped me get a much better night sleep last night. I still did not get up very early but I felt more rested. My throat was still sore and I still had a cough but I felt better.

I did not get anything done yesterday and this morning was not a lot different. For lunch I made myself a cucumber, onion and mushroom sandwich on dark rye; kind of clean out the garden and refrigerator meal. This afternoon after eating lunch I went outside and pruned the apple tree and the raspberry plants for a couple hours and worked up a pretty good sweat.

I do not think that being outside helped my cough or sore throat but it sure did fell good being outside and getting some fresh air.

Kathleen made some homemade chicken soup with barley and so I added some ground nutmeg for that good old comfort food taste. I remember growing up Grandma and Grandpa always ground nutmeg on Grandma's chicken soup and every time I do that I think of that.

Well my nose is running and my throat is sore when I talk so I think I am just going to call this a day.