Monday, January 15, 2007

Miserable Monday

Well, I think that I will include my CarePage here, just so that I do not have to rethink about it. I will probably add a little as I tried to keep the CarePage a little less personal.

Well, I made it through this morning! I got up a little early, as I knew that I needed to get to my 0900 appointment a little early to finish some paperwork.

When I went upstairs about 0815 to change clothes, Kathleen was still asleep, so I changed clothes and let Reggie out and then took off in my Wrangler. That way if Kathleen did wake up and wanted to she could meet me at the hospital.

Anyway, I got there early and started filling out my paperwork when they bought me my first of three complementary barium shakes. Shortly after I finished my first one and finished my paperwork, they brought me my second, yummy!

Kathleen had called a little after 0900 and said that she would be joining me when she got dressed and ready to go out. Before she arrived, I had the first of the many procedures that they were to perform this morning.

I got to change into a sporty hospital gown and then the doctor, a radiation therapy technologist and an inter from OSHU (all females) got me up on a table and then placed a catheter up into my bladder and then injected a fluid into it as the doctor pulled the tube out and then clamped me to keep the fluid in. Lots of fun!

Next I got to get some x-rays taken, but before I was finished there, they marked three spots on my body, which next Friday they will tattoo, so that they can align the radiation to the same spot each time.

Then I got to slip out of my hospital gown and put on my clothes once again. I got to sit in the inside waiting room and even got another complementary barium shake as a reward for...well, I am not sure what, but when I find out I will do my best not to do it again!

Kathleen arrived shortly after I got back and just before I got my third shake that is 1350ml's. After another wait, they called me to go to get my CT scan. After I arrived, I got to get an IV, no problem, except it took three tries and two people to do it, I felt a little like a pincushion.

Once up on the table and into position, the injected some more fluid into the IV and then proceeded to do the scan. Not nearly as bad as the other things that I had been through this morning. Other than the trouble that they had getting the IV in, the rest was a piece of cake.

They did mention that diarrhea is a side effect of some of what I went through this morning, boy that was an understatement...I am in double digits and it is only 1700, I just barely made it a couple times. I get really bad cramps and then I better start making tracks to the bathroom. This has really been a fun filled day!

I go back Friday for the start of my radiation treatments, and I hope to have a little more information at that time. I got home about noon and Kathleen went to Joann's to do some shopping and got home about 1530. We were going to go to Costco, but I do not think that would have been a wise thing for me to go, there is always tomorrow.

I made myself a meatloaf sandwich and had a can of beets for lunch, which was before all the bathroom fun began. I think I have made a bathroom trip at least once every half hour since about 1400, including a couple times just in the time it took to write this, and it is not from drinking all the water that I have been drinking this afternoon.

Well, Kathleen made some scalloped potatoes tonight, kind of a comfort food, I am not hungry yet, but I will be in a little while. I doubt if I will feel like sitting here after dinner, I have been doing a lot of sitting this afternoon and it actually feels better to stand. I think I will be going to bed really early tonight, today seemed to take quite a bit out of me in more ways than one, so I will say my good nights now.