Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday Sauntering

I was not quite as sore this morning as I was yesterday, but I sure did not feel "normal" whatever that is anymore. I finally got up a little after 0700 made an egg beater omelet and some sourdough toast. Then I emptied the dishwasher and loaded up the dishwasher with the dishes from when the children were here last night, Toni, Chucky, Andrea and Brandon.

Then I poured myself a cup of coffee and headed to my easy chair to read the paper. After the paper decided that since I did not feel up to painting today I would work out in the rose garden as I had not worked out there all week. So I spent a couple hours pruning roses, pulling some weeds and mostly digging out Italian prune suckers that were popping up all over the place.

After coming inside and cleaning up I decided to make myself a salad for lunch, so I got out all the ingredients that I needed, cut them up and then sat down to enjoy it. Then after resting for a while I thought that I needed to get a little exercise in, so I put on my walking shoes and told Kathleen that I was going for my daily walk.

The other day while I was out for my walk, I though that I had not been over to Maywood Park lately, so that is where I headed. I walked all the east west streets first and then all the north south streets and then headed home. By the time I got back I had logged over seven miles...and was really tired. So I sat down and watched the news.

Somehow I managed to stay awake; I was not really as sleepy as I was outright bone tired. After sitting for a while I did feel better and it was about 1900 and Kathleen was not here so I reheated up so salmon and then had some cold slaw and macaroni salad to go along with it. Kathleen finally came home about 1930 after I had finished eating.

Well, that was my day, it seemed to go by a lot faster than what I got accomplished, but so do most of my days. I need to go out and water the rose garden as I have not done that all week either. Andrea just called and she and John are close by so they are going to stop off for a visit. So I will just say good night.

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