Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday's Tightness

Well, this morning did not start out the way I would have planned. I got up and started out on my walk this morning and as I was walking around the high school field, I must have stepped on a round stone about the size of a baseball and before I knew it I was picking myself off the ground. It was quite a jolt and as soon as I got up I knew that I was going to be sore sooner or later.

I could have turned around and headed home, but I thought that perhaps if I walked more it might loosen up my back and not get quite as sore. So I kept walking and picking up trash, and it seemed that as long as I was walking it did not feel much different than it normally does/

I was still feeling okay when I got home so I made myself some breakfast; a southwestern omelet with some walnut-raisin toast. After putting my dishes into the dishwasher I went into the living room and read the paper.

I could feel my back start to stiffen up so when I finished the paper, I decided that I would go outside and water the gardens. I did the front gardens and also the vegetables, roses and berries.

After coiling the hose I decided that I would rake the walnut leaves. They were not falling as fast as they did yesterday, but it was not as windy either. Besides if I rake everyday it is not as hard to keep up with and the leaves do not blow into my neighbor’s yard.

I had originally planned on finishing the high painting, but I knew that my back would not respond too well to standing on a ladder thirty-two feet in the air. A good decision, and the way my back feels now I doubt that I will be doing any painting tomorrow either.

Anyway, it only took about a half hour to rake the leaves, so after I put everything away, I went into the house to sit down and rest a while. I felt okay as long as I was sitting but as soon as I tried to get up, I realized that my back was starting to get rather tight, so I walked around the house a bit.

Kathleen came downstairs with her sewing machine, it was acting up on her, and so she wanted to go to Montivilla Sewing Center to have them look at it. We were planning on going to Costco anyway so I thought this would just be a little side trip.

I had to keep moving while we were at Montivilla to try to keep my back a little loose, and as long as I kept moving I was doing alright. It turned out that Kathleen's machine had blown its primary mother board and it would cost over $400 to fix.

She has been frustrated with this machine almost from the time she bought it a little over five years ago; in fact she just got it back from the shop a couple days ago. So the manager of the store made us an offer on a new machine that we could not pass up on. We get to pay for it over three years with no interest, so we went ahead and did it.

This is a machine that she has liked since it came out and we probably would have wound up getting it sooner or later anyway, I just had not planned on it being this soon! I tried to keep walking around while she filled out the paperwork, but I was getting pretty worn out.

So when she finished signing everything, we took the machine home and then she made a couple chicken salad sandwiches on Kaiser rolls. Since it was about 1430 I was getting pretty hungry. After we finished eating we took off and went to Costco. We got out of there and only spent a little over $100, no minor feet!

Kathleen reheated the salmon that she made last night and boiled some red potatoes for dinner tonight. The salmon tasted really good...come to think of it, I do not know that I have ever had salmon that did not taste good. Anyway, I was supposed to meet up with the guys tonight, but I called and said that unless my back felt better I would not make it.

As it turned out one of the other guys needed to pick someone up at the airport and the other was going to be late, so we decided that we would just meet for breakfast tomorrow morning. Kathleen just left for a baby shower for one of the young gals at church so I am left to myself, I might just wind up going to bed early tonight.

With that said, I guess I will just say good night for now!