Yesterday morning I woke up and felt like I had brain fog, kind of a dull headache and no matter what I took for it I could not shake it. Needless to say I did not get much done yesterday.
Then I woke up around 0230 this morning and could not get back to sleep until around 0400 and then only for another hour; so I wound up getting up at 0530.
Then this morning as I was eating my oatmeal and I felt something hard in it so when I fished it out of my mouth I discovered what looked to be part of a tooth. I did not feel any pain and did not think anything of it, but I went into the bathroom and checked it out.
I did not see anything in my bottom teeth so I went downstairs and asked Kathleen to see if she could see anything and she said that she did. After a while I could feel it with my tongue, so I called my dentist, but they were not open today. They had an emergency number but since it was not hurting I decided to leave a message to try and get an appointment for Monday.
After a while it developed a very dull tooth ache feeling, nothing too bad just really annoying. So I kept taking Tylenol every few hours.
Early this morning Aaron and the girls came over after their dentist visits for cleanings and waited for Tami to finish with her cleaning appointment. Kathleen gave each of the girls a start from one of the house plants that she had up in her sewing room and the girls planted them in a couple little pots that I brought in from the potting bench in the garage.
Stan came while Aaron and the girls were here and started ding the tiling; he got here just before noon as he had a power outage and was trying to get his generator started.
Well, it is after 2100 and I am going to try and get some sleep tonight.