Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The day after - crash day

Well, this morning I got up around 0830 and I could have slept in a lot longer, but I knew that I needed to let Reggie out, so I got up begrudgingly. On my way downstairs, I picked up the towels and then loaded them into the washing machine and started it up. After I finished my morning computer stuff, I emptied the dishwasher and put everything away.

When I went to let Reggie in I noticed that there was water going underneath the sidewalk and was collecting near the window well. So I went down to the basement to see if we had any water coming in and I noticed that it started coming in, in a couple places.

I went upstairs, out to the garage, got a smashed tin can, put it in the hole, and then covered it with some dirt. It seemed to stop the water from coming into the window well, but the other area I could not do anything to stop. Luckily it was not coming in the other area very much or very fast.

Then I made myself some of my oatmeal concoction and some coffee. Then I cleaned up my dishes from breakfast and went into the living room to read the paper. There were several ads and Kathleen wanted to look through them to see if there was anything that we could not live without.

The mail had arrived by this time so I went out and got it and everything but a couple of catalogs and a magazine wound up it the recycling bag. I passed on all but one catalog on to Kathleen.

Then I started doing the rest of the laundry, I wound up washing, drying, folding and putting away four loads of laundry. I think that is all I accomplished today. I spent most of the day sitting in my chair and trying to stay awake.

I made myself some corn beef hash for lunch and went back to sitting. Then when Kathleen asked about dinner I suggested some Bushes baked beans, using some of the left over ham and cooking some rice, it really hit the spot.

Well, I think that I am too tired to do much of anything tonight, so I will just say good night now.