Friday, August 15, 2008


Well the temperature when I got up was seventy-five degrees outside so it did not take long for it to heat up and become really uncomfortable. I mixed some strawberries, blueberries and a banana with my cereal this morning; I was suppose to go out for breakfast with the guys but my bowels had other ideas so I loaded up the washer with a load of dark cloths and had breakfast.

After putting my breakfast dishes into the dishwasher I took the clothes out of the washer and put them into the dryer and then added a load of light clothes into the washer. So by 0930 I had washed, dried, folded and put away two loads of laundry and by the time I had finished the temperature was approaching ninety degrees so I am glad that I did it as early as I did.

Then I went outside and gathered up some more little chunks of wood to put into the garbage can. I also dead headed the roses and pulled a few weeds. I also noticed that several more tomatoes are starting to ripen; unfortunately these are just the cherry tomatoes but the roma, early girl and beefsteak tomatoes are starting to get big.

It was starting to get too hot outside but I wanted to put the Jeep battery on the trickle charger and get it back up to full strength so I did that and then went into the house and got the mail.

There was not a lot there and I thought that I would go out to the garage and straighten up in there for a while as I noticed it was not quite as hot in the garage as it was outside. Unfortunately I had to keep going outside and I was only able to work on that for about an hour as I was really getting overheated.

It was about 1230 by the time I got back inside and cleaned up so I made myself a brat and some cold rhubarb sauce. After cleaning up my lunch dishes and Kathleen's breakfast dishes I decided that I would take some of the boxes from my upstairs room back down to the basement as we have pretty much finished the remodeling upstairs.

I keep my sanding tools and paper in a couple plastic boxes, my plumbing tools in a canvas bag and a plastic box and my electrical tools in a couple canvas bags and about four boxes. I also have a bag of carpentry tools and a couple plastic boxes of carpentry tools and odds and ends.

I had to make about ten trips from upstairs to the basement and by the time I got most everything down into the basement I had worked up a pretty good sweat and was huffing and puffing pretty good. There are still a few boxes that I need to take down into the basement but at least now I can get into my room without putting my life on the line.

After moving all that I decided to sit down and relax in the living room; that was a couple hours ago and now it is getting close to start thinking about dinner.