Saturday, September 23, 2006

I think I accomplished quite a lot today!

I woke up to a really nice day, so I got up and made breakfast and then emptied the dishwasher. After reading the paper, I put the towels in the dryer that I just washed.

I did not want to waste such a nice dry day, so I went outside and pulled more of the ivy off the fir trees. I now have it all the fir trees free of ivy at least up to about seven feet. I did not feel ambitious enough to get the ladder and pull the rest of it off...maybe another day.

Since it was so nice I decided to pull out the violets out of the strawberry and blueberry garden, I got about 75% of it finished, when I decided that I was getting hungry and went inside to make myself something for lunch. I did not realize it but I had been working outside from 0900 until 1345. So I cleaned up and made myself a chicken sandwich from the left over chicken from the other night.

I went to get the towels out of the dryer that I had put in there before going outside, but the dryer was empty. Kathleen had emptied it and folded them, so I just put them away.

We were going to Aaron and Tami's house about 1630 to celebrate Tami's birthday, so I decided that I would just stay inside and rest up. I had not realized that I was as tired as I was until I stopped working.

We had a really nice time with Aaron and Tami, Alyssa was there with her children; Toni and Chucky were there as well. Andrea was working so she and John were not there and Dan came later so just about the whole family was there.

The grandchildren play so well together...most of the time and they really had a good time tonight. They are all getting so big it is hard to believe...where has the time gone?

Kathleen was feeling pretty good for most of the day, but tonight, just before we left, she started to feel bad again. She is now dozing on the couch. We were planning on going to Alyssa and Dan's tomorrow after church, but the way she is feeling now, I am not sure if she will be up for it. We will just have to play it by ear I guess.

Well, I think that is all for tonight, so I will just say good night.