Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tuesday's Trappings

I got up about 0600 this morning because I wanted to water the rose and the berries. After I finished the watering, I made myself an egg omelet with sweet onion, yellow pepper and mushrooms, one of my favorites!

After I read the paper and the mail, I took them out to the recycling tub and then went out back again and pulled some weeds and blackberries. The blackberries seem to be more ferocious this for some reason, I am having a hard time staying on top of them.

If they were not coming up in the rose garden and the grape vines they would be a little easier to contain, but I do not want to disturb the roses or the grapes any more than need be.

I had to stop about 1045; so that I could get ready to take Kathleen to the doctor's to have her stint taken out. We left here a little after 1100 and had to wait around in the doctor's office long enough for me to read one and a half Sports Illustrated. I took the second one in with me to the exam room and finished it while waiting for the doctor.

They were supposed to have Kathleen get a CT scan before coming in, but they neglected to let us know. That was so that the doctor could check to see that the stones had indeed been taken care of.

After a little discussion the doctor decided to take the stint out anyway. So once the stint was out Kathleen felt a little worse, but over all better. She had to set up another appointment for a week after mine to check blood work and make sure that the stones are gone and maybe do something about trying to make it so that they do not return.

We stopped by Lowe's afterwards to pick up some Scott's Summer Guard fertilizer for the lawn and also a couple other items. Then we headed home, stopping for gas on the way. Gas prices were about fifty cents cheaper than last month when we got gas.

One good thing about both of us not feeling well is that we do not go anywhere and so we have not gone through a lot of gas. We get gas for Kathleen's SUV about once every three or four weeks and for my Wrangler about once every three or four months.

After we got home I put the fertilizer on the front lawn and watered it in. Right now I have the sprinkler going to give it a good soaking. The weather has been so warm and dry lately that I am having to water the lawn once a week and the roses and berries a couple times a week. I thought Oregon was suppose to be wet and cool...must be global warming...!!

For dinner tonight Kathleen made a salad out of the leftover salmon, some wild rice, sweet onion
and an avocado. It was really good! We also had some of the potato salad from last night, I had German and Kathleen had a traditional potato salad, we also had some cold slaw, so it was a real salad night.

It was in the mid 80's today with tomorrow and Thursday projected to be in the low to mid 90's, so this is definitely salad weather. Tomorrow we are suppose to go over to Alyssa and Dan's for Independence Day. I think we are going to barbecue and maybe even dip in the pool the weather is suppose to be hot and humid, so it sounds like good pool weather.

Well, I guess that is about it for today, have a good night!