Thursday, July 24, 2008

Warming up again

This morning when I woke up it was still pretty overcast, but by the time I sat down to eat breakfast, around 0900, the sun was out and shinning brightly. So after I finished eating I emptied the dishwasher and put my breakfast dishes in.

Since it was starting to warm up already I decided not to take a walk this morning besides I think I walked enough yesterday that I wanted to give my legs a little rest. So I went out to the back yard and chopped up some of the branches in my branch pile and put some in one of my barrels to run through the chipper and the smaller ones I put in the yard debris container.

It was almost noon by the time I got back into the house and cleaned up so I went to the mailbox and got the mail. There really was not much of anything worth keeping so most of it went into the recycle pile or the shredder.

While I was outside Kathleen had come out and said that Aaron, Tami and the girls were coming over after stopping off at Subway and wanted to know if I wanted something from Subway for lunch. It had been a while since I had a store bought sub so I had a veggie sub.

While I was waiting for them I went to the west front lawn and raked out the piles of dirt that I had dumped there a couple weeks ago. I finished smoothing it out and went back into the house and cleaned up.

They got here after a while and we all sat down and had our subs and after that the girls and Kathleen went out back to pick raspberries. Tami was watching one of their friends baby and so she and Aaron sat in the shade of the cherry trees and mountain ash.

After a while they left and I went back inside and paid a bill and checked the activity on our credit union accounts. Around 1700 Kathleen asked me to bring her sewing machine and embroidery attachment downstairs for her; I had forgotten that she had a class tonight. So I brought them downstairs and put them into her SUV and then she took off as her class started at 1730.

I was glad that I only ate half of my sub sandwich because that is what I had for dinner. I had though about having it tonight or tomorrow for lunch and I am glad that I had it tonight because it was starting to get pretty soggy.

Well today was much warmer, I think that it got up to the mid eighties and it is suppose to be this way most of the rest of the week. I do not mind the temperature like it was today, but much hotter will be getting a little bit uncomfortable for me.