Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It has felt like Friday today!

I guess that one of the problems with not working or going to school, is that one tends to loose track of what day of the week it is...not that it really matters much anymore. I just have to remember where I need to take Kathleen that day when I wake up.

Today it was a new place to try to get a device to straighten out her elbow. It was mostly filling out forms, an interview and taking some measurements. We got home about noon, Kathleen finished her breakfast, and I made myself something to eat for lunch.

I was hoping to go to Costco right after that, but Kathleen needed to rest for a bit. I dinked around for as long as I could and then finally changed my clothes and got the ladder out so that I could clean the fir needles off the valleys in the roof.

We got Leaf Guard gutters last winter that make it so that I do not have to clean out the gutters eight or ten times a year, but I still need to get the needles out of the valleys. I guess that is one of the problems with living under several huge fir trees. Oh well, they do provide some really nice shade in the summer time, but the rest of the year they are really a pain.

It seem like they are always dropping something, whether it be pollen pods, needles, fir cones or sometimes-huge breaches.

We finally got off to Costco about 1500; Kathleen needed to take back a couple photo albums she bought the last time we were there. I guess some of the pages were not up to par. I needed to get some vitamins and Kathleen found a couple other things that she wanted. We also stopped at the new Costco gas station and got gas, it seems to be a little cheaper than the other gas stations...and I am all for saving money.

Well, I am writing this early tonight as I am meeting with the accountability guys and I probably will not feel much like writing when I get home. I cannot think of anything else exciting to write home about so I guess I will just say, good night.