Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Looked like rain all day

I slept in again today. After getting up, I made breakfast and read the paper and mail when it got here. Kathleen was still sleeping so I went out to the garage and loaded up the SUV with some more things for Goodwill.

I checked upstairs and Kathleen was still sound asleep so I left her a note telling her that I was dropping that stuff off at Goodwill and then took off. I got back home about 1230 and Kathleen had just gotten up.

I made myself some lunch out of some of the leftover steak from last nights dinner. After eating, I paid a couple of bills online, then went out to the garage again, and sorted out some more things to take to Goodwill. I think I have enough for another load.

I cleaned up for dinner, chili and corn on the cob. We ate early tonight as we had a church business meeting at 1900. The meeting got over about 2030, but by the time I helped clean up and we left it was after 2100.

So I checked my e-mail and looked to see if there were any new blog entries and Alyssa had one so I paged through it and then decided I had better get started on my own.

That is pretty much how my day went, and now it is time for bed. So good night and have a great day!

New photos

Just thought you would like to see my newest case you haven't already, go to
Paper Capers

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