Monday, August 13, 2007

Making Monday's Mellow

I got up this morning and still did not feel that great, it was not that I was still tired, but more that I was just sore. My right side has been sore for a couple days not and has really been zapping my energy.

It was an overcast morning so I initially thought that I would try to get the rest of the siding painted, but the more the time passed the more I realized that I really did not feel well enough to paint. To validate my decision the sun came out and I knew that I would not be painting today.

Kathleen came downstairs and asked if I felt lake pancakes this morning and it sounded good to me, so she made some pancakes. They were blueberry, banana and almonds, and it turned out to be a good combination. After breakfast I loaded up the dishwasher and started it up.

I decided to go outside and work for a while; I pruned the roses, pulled some weeds, trimmed off the spent lily stems and then took everything off the table that I had been using to store things on. In the process I emptied all the pots of their dirt and put it all into a container. I wound up with about ten gallons of potting soil.

With the pots empty, I stacked them together and boxed them up for future projects and then put them into the garage. By the time I got done it was almost 1500, so I cleaned up and went inside. I was not sure what to make for lunch so I just got out a Boca burger and made a burger sandwich.

I reminded Kathleen that I needed to go to the credit union to deposit some money; finally about 1710 we left the house. Traffic was bad and we got there a minute after they closed. I had loaded Toni's old file cabinet into the SUV so we took that over to her place. She was not home yet, so I left it on the sidewalk by her front door.

We were also going to drop off a pot of baby’s breath at one of Kathleen's friend's house, but it did not make it to the car. So I had Kathleen run by the house and I went out and got the pot and Kathleen took it over herself.

She did not make it home by 1915, so I made myself some salmon and had some cottage cheese to go along with it. Well, my side still bothers me, not quite as much as it did this morning, but it certainly is annoying. I think that I will call it a day and say good night!

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