Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday's Scrapping

Well, this morning we made it to church but not without a little excitement. We saw that the lawn was white from frost but did not take into account that we would need to scrape the windows of the car. So first we had to find an ice scrapper, I found an extra one that I had in the garage, but using it with my left hand was not the easiest thing for me to do.

After church I change back into my shorts and tee shirt, this was the first time that I have worn long pants in six weeks and also the first time I have worn a long sleeve shirt since last winter. Then when I got back downstairs I made myself a Limburger and herring sandwich, what a delicacy!

After reading the paper, I did a couple loads of laundry, folded and put it away, but that was about all I got done today. For dinner tonight we had some of the turkey soup that Kathleen made. It give it a little special flavor Kathleen added some Lingenberries.

Well, I guess that this is it for the weekend. Tomorrow Stan should finish the tiling and the in a couple days he can do the grouting then maybe we can even put the toilet and sink in. So maybe next week we will once again have an upstairs bathroom. That means no more middle of the night trips downstairs.

I cannot think of anything else to say for today, other than it was cold all day. So I guess that I will just say good night.