Sunday, January 04, 2009

More Snow

Well, before all the snow had a chance to disappear it started snowing again tonight. I think we got about an inch already and it is suppose to continue until early this morning.

This morning I woke up as to Kathleen's alarm going off and I was still pretty groggy but I got up as I had slept for nine hours already. I felt like my brain was still in a fog so I decided that I would not try and make it to church this morning. It was also cold and my thumb joints were really bothering me.

I did gather up the towels and washed, dried, folded and then put them away. So after reheating yesterday's buckwheat pancakes I unloaded the dishwasher and then went into the living room and read the paper.

After that I gathered up the kitchen rugs and shook them out, swept the kitchen floor and then mopped it. While it was drying the rugs were being washed and I also vacuumed the rest of the downstairs.

This afternoon Kathleen took a white Cyclamen over to our neighbor. She bought a couple the other day and we have one on our kitchen table. Our old one is outside in the flower pot just off the front porch.

It had been blooming until the first snow storm three weeks ago and the snow is off it now and the blooms of gone but it is still green.

While she was there I changed out the upstairs bathroom door knob and put the one that was on the bathroom on our bedroom door. We still need to buy a few more doorknobs for the upstairs and another one for the downstairs bathroom.

The one I put on the upstairs bathroom was the lever kind as apposed to the knob kind and we are planning on putting the same kind on the downstairs bathroom when it is finished. That way we can tell people that the bathroom is the one with the lever as it will be different from all the rest.

Well that is about it for today, I am feeling better or at least somewhat awake. I have gotten over nine hours sleep the last two nights so I guess that is making up somewhat for the three or four hours sleep I was getting the previous five days.