Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sleepy Sunday

I got up later than I normally do on a Sunday, I was tired and my throat was bothering me. I knew that before I got up that I would not be going to church or Sunday School, so I was in no rush to get up. Kathleen came downstairs about fifteen minutes after I got there and when I told her that I did not think I would be going to church this morning, she went back upstairs and went to bed.

The spring on our toaster oven door is broken, so I made my toast in the frying pan. It really turned out pretty much like regular toast and only took a littler bit longer to make. I also made a fresh pot of coffee, and shortly after that Kathleen must have smelled the coffee and came downstairs.

I unloaded the dishwasher, took out the kitchen compost and the trash and vacuumed the downstairs carpet. Then I turned off my computer and started to prepare for the new hard drive.

Toni and Chucky came over about 1500 with some lunch that they had made for us, we were going to go over there, but their landlord was doing something there, so they came over here with the food that they had made.

They had barbecued chicken and pork and some fried rice. It was really good, unfortunately it had gotten cool on the trip over here, so I heated it up in the micro wave. Toni was really tired, so they left around 1700.

We are in the process of cloning my new hard drive to my old one. It will probably take most of the night, so I am using our new laptop/notebook. It is really nice, it has a full size keyboard and even a ten key pad. It feels as close to a regular keyboard as any laptop/notebook that I have ever used.

Well, I think that it will be a relatively quiet night tonight, it had been really windy yesterday and this morning, but it seems to have quieted down now. So I will enjoy the rest of tonight and then tomorrow I get to go back on my weekday radiation routine.

I is so nice on the weekends not to have to go there everyday, but it is something that I have to do for now. It does beat the other alternative though. Well, I guess that I will just say good night.