Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Maybe Tomorrow

Today when I got up I was noticing how light it was out, so I thought for sure that I would be able to get the lawn mowed...did not happen! Just last night I looked at the clock and it was almost 2000 and it was just starting to get dark; I had not noticed that it had been staying lighter longer either; I guess it shows how much of a fog I have been in lately.

I took a cup of coffee outside with me this morning and dug out a few weeds, but it was really a little too cool and damp feeling out for me, so I went back inside. As I was coming inside I met Kathleen in the laundry room as she was going to go outside and visit with me, but if it was too cool and damp for me, Kathleen would have been freezing.

Andrea and Brandon stopped by today; Andrea had been to the doctors with Brandon this morning as he has a real croupy cough. She left as Kathleen was getting ready to leave.

Kathleen took off to meet with one of the woman from church, so while she was gone I decided that I would work on the stairs and try to do some more sanding. I now have all the stairs sanded down as much as I can with my belt sander the rest I will have to do with my random orbital sander and palm sander to get into the edges and back.

I had planned on mowing the lawn while Kathleen was gone, but when I checked the grass it was still really wet; the grass was not helped by the fact that it drizzled a few time today. Today was suppose to be the nicer day between today and tomorrow, but now the weather folks tell us that tomorrow will be mostly dry.

I certainly hope that it is as I need to get the lawn mowed; tomorrow would work out well as it is closer to the weekend. If I cannot get it done tomorrow I may have to go and get some gasoline for the Honda mower; I have been trying to not use it but if the grass keeps growing like it has and the weather stays wet I will not have a choice.

Unlike past weeks Kathleen was home a little sooner today as she still is not feeling well. Then tonight Aaron and Lexis came over as they were killing time waiting for Becca to finish Awana.