Monday, June 11, 2007

Medical Monday

Boy am I getting tired, in more ways than one, of waking up so early. This morning I woke up about 0300 and tossed and turned for the next two and a half hours when I finally gave up and got up. I had been fasting so I could not even make myself breakfast, so I read the paper and then went out front and watered the fuchsia that Kathleen bought the other day. Then I went out back and checked on the other plants that I had planted yesterday. They all seemed to be doing well and none of them looked the slightest bit wilty.

I finally killed enough time that I could leave for the doctor's office at 0800 for my 0830 appointment. It is only a fifteen minute drive, if I hit all the red lights so I got there in plenty of time. It was kind of a good thing as there were more forms to fill out. It seems like every time I go there are more forms to fill out.

The one form was to allow them to leave a voice message or give Kathleen the information in case I am not available for what ever the reason. It made sense, and I do not understand why it has taken so many years to go back to the way it use to be.

Well, I got back home about 0900 and made myself an egg sandwich on multi-grain bread with some sun dried tomatoes on it. The sun dried tomatoes really gave it a great flavor. Shortly after finishing breakfast, I took some medicine for my allergies; they have been really working overtime on me this year.

Right now I have a cough that is really giving me fits, I cough so hard that my throat gets sore and the cycle continues. Sometime this morning the mail came, among the things that arrived was my financial statement from my broker, right now it is at the highest point it has ever been. That is with us living on some the interest for the last year.

So I got on my computer and added the new numbers to the data base that I keep for it. I show it for the complete profile and for the individual holdings. I only had one that did not show a good interest increase, so I felt pretty good about that. From the data base I can extract graphs to show the trends over the period that I have held them and that is always interesting to look at as well.

With that done, I went outside and decided to pull some weeds in the rose garden. I started out just wanting to pull some of the bigger ones, but once I got that done I could not just stop there...NO, I had to keep going.

When I got to the point that most of the weeds were pulled out, I went into the garage and got out my tiller and cultivated the rows so that the soil got broken up and make it easier for the water to seep through to the roots of the roses.

That really wore me out, I am not sure whether it was the work of tilling or just the fact that I was sneezing and coughing so hard. No matter what the cause, I needed to stop and get inside, so I picked up everything and took the tiller into the garage again and went inside and cleaned up.

It was 1500, so I decided that I needed to eat something, so I heated up the Mexican soup that Kathleen made last night, adding more Tabasco sauce and some cheddar before heating it in the micro wave. It was even better than last night because all the flavors had had a chance to blend together.

I went back on my computer and created another data base to take to our financial advisors tomorrow and then sent a copy off to them via e-mail. Next I went into the living room and sat down in my chair where I promptly dozed off. I woke up just a little after Bill O'Reilly came on, so I watched that and than Kathleen made another Mexican soup for dinner.

This one was a little different, I liked the flavor, but I needed more heat to help clear up my sinuses so I added some Tabasco sauce to mine. I went back for seconds, but could only finish less than half of what I took. I am trying to learn to listen to my stomach and stop eating when I feel food in my stomach.

Well, that was my day, the doctor was impressed with my weight loss and my blood pressure, and wanted to wait until my test results came back before doing anything with my medications. I guess that is a good thing. I told him what my goal for weight loss was and he said that might be a little low, he thought more in the mid one-ninety's.

That was encouraging, but I still think I want to set my goal for about one-eighty to one-ninety. If I do not aim low enough it is too easy to be satisfied with not getting there at all. I still have a long way to go before I reach my long range goal. He said that he would see me in six months and I hope to be down around two hundred pounds by then.

Well, I am pretty sure that it will be an early night for me; I am having trouble staying awake now, so I think that I will just say good night!