Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wednesday August 23, 2006

Another day…another? I got up about 0700 this morning, feeling pretty good, when I went outside with Reggie I felt this strange feeling on my head, something that I had not felt in quite some time…what could it be? It was moisture coming out of the sky, not rain just some Washington mist…you know that stuff that missed Washington and landed in Oregon.

I did not do much good the soft top of the Wrangler barely got wet, but at least it was something. I am not sure right now when the last time we had any precipitation of any kind, it was either early July or possibly even June. Way too long for Oregon, it is not that I am tired of the sunshine…no after living in Portland since 1972 sunshine is really nice to see. I just wish that we could see more of it throughout the rest of the year…like the other nine months!

Anyway, Kathleen and I were supposed to go see our financial advisors today, just to learn some new features of our account. Kathleen had her physical therapy appointment yesterday and usually the day after is a really hard day for her. So when I went to wake her up a little after 1000 I asked her how she was feeling…before she could answer I could tell by the look on her face that it was not so good.

She kept trying to convince me that she could make it, but I thought that it might be better for us to cancel and reschedule…so I called them up and did that. By 1100 she was on the couch and hardly got off it the rest of the day.

So I emptied the dishes that I washed last night before going to bed and then vacuumed both the upstairs and downstairs. I had not done the upstairs since before my surgery and it was getting a little hard to see the carpeting. I even vacuumed the stairs! I can tell that I am feeling better…I have more energy and I am not getting as tired as easily. I still am not getting a lot done…but I am getting some things done.

Andrea stopped by tonight around dinner time, she was scheduled to work but the scheduler was not suppose to schedule her, so she sent her home. With traffic being what it is she decided to pay old mom and dad a visit…it was better than sitting in traffic.

Linda also called tonight and talked for…well I will not say how long, but she and Kathleen must have swollen ears and sore jaws. Enough said!

It was good to talk to her, I have not talked to her in a long time, she and Kathleen talk somewhat regularly. I thought your voice sounded good and it was good to hear you laugh!

Well, it was not a very exciting day, but we are both one day closer to getting well and feeling better!

Talk again tomorrow!
