Sunday, August 27, 2006

Wow, another weekend gone by, although for the last ten weeks the weekend is just a couple of days in the week.

We talked to Aaron tonight and they made it back from the camp out okay. Archie was glad to see him. He was sitting at the gate waiting for them when I went over there to feed him today. He was a little lonely I think.

Our Sunday School class had a very nice breakfast this morning before the church service. Because of the campout, normal Sunday School was canceled and there was only one service. The Omega, our class and the Prime Timers and maybe some others, but I do not know, decided to meet. Our class decided to have a breakfast, a short lesson and some prayer time.

This was also Dr. Carl Laney’s last service as interim pastor. Our new transitional pastor starts next week and will stay with us until we find a new full time senior pastor. It makes it rather nice in that we do not have to feel rushed into selecting someone just to fill the pulpit. I will miss Carl’s teaching; I have enjoyed his messages very much these last two months.

We had to stop by Fred Meyer and pick up Kathleen’s thyroid medicine, and while we were there, we picked up some groceries that we needed. When we got home, Kathleen made some chicken and rice, neither one of us ate a lot so we also had it for supper tonight.

We also talked to John this afternoon; he was excited about some new equipment that he just purchased for his shop. Andrea had sent me a couple of listings for some houses that they are interested in looking at and I e-mailed her back my thoughts.

Other than that, it was another good Sabbath rest. I have not done much of anything today except I did vacuum the floors downstairs again today. I do not think that I mentioned that we picked up a new inexpensive vacuum cleaner yesterday.

I vacuumed yesterday and got quite a lot of Reggie and a little dirt, and than when I vacuumed this afternoon I got about the same amount of dirt and Reggie fur. I did change the depth of the beater bar to the lowest position just to see what it would do and I was impressed. I was a little taken back by the amount of fur I collected today, it just makes me wonder how it would look if I did not vacuum for a whole week. I do not even want to think about that.

Well, as you can see, it has been another extremely exciting day. Tomorrow, Kathleen has another physical therapy appointment, so we will see how that goes.

Have a good night and a great day tomorrow.


Wow, She really is CRAZY!

Okay, I was not sure if this would be too much for me to keep track of, but I decided to create a second blog for all my crafty stuff that I do. (mostly scrapbooking).

I did this so that I could add a link to my signature in various message boards I post on that would allow people to view my work without them having to sort through my family blog. Just thought you might be interested.
Go to to see for yourself.

I don't have much posted yet, but plan too add more before church tomorrow!
Thanks for looking,