Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Nation Remembers

It is hard to believe that it has been six years since the nations security was shaken, but it has. I still remember I was sitting at my desk at Boeing when I got a news flash on my computer and then doing a search to get a live feed of what was going on.

I guess that I hit me harder than a lot of people on the west coast because I had family and friends in New York. I think I either watched or listened to the news until I went to bed that night. The only other thing that I can remember having as much impact on me was the day the high school caught on fire and both my sister and I were in it at the time.

I was lucky enough to have been on the first floor in the new part of the high school, in a study hall and close to an exit, but my sister was up in the old part on the second floor. WE had relatives calling all night long, and even had the news media interviewing us. We were quite the celebrities at the time.

Anyway, I had a good walk this morning, I even picked up two bags of trash and today the supervisor of the high school maintenance department thanked me for picking up the trash. I was a little surprised at the amount of trash today, but I think a lot of it is from the teams. Items like water bottles and tape, and then there is always a lot of trash that blows in from the 122nd Avenue fast food places.

I got a little work done outside, but it was getting pretty warm, so I decided to just stay inside today. I did a little reading and took a nap in my chair for a while; all in all it was just kind of a lazy day. I think I spent too much time reflecting on how the world has changed in the last six years...and not for the better.

It was too hot to cook tonight so Kathleen just made some more chicken/mango salad. She also cut up a cantaloupe, so it was a pretty light meal. After I loaded the dinner dishes into the dishwasher, Kathleen decided to make some brownies, so she has them in the oven now.

Well, like I said this has been a pretty unproductive day, so I think that I will just say good night and call it a day.