Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Almost a Wasted Day

I heard the rain on the sky light about 0400 and I knew that I would not be doing much outside today. When I finally got up it had stopped raining, but it was drizzling off and on most of the morning.

As I went out to retrieve the garbage can, the yard debris barrel and the recycling bin it was not drizzling as I went out but was by the time I went into the house. I also went out a little later this morning and it was drizzling again so I never did get to go outside without it being wet.

I think that the weather is suppose to be dry tomorrow and I will probably try to get the lawn mowed. This time of year I usually mow just about every day that it has not rained just to keep the grass at a reasonable height.

Well other than reading the paper and mail I did not get anything done. This afternoon I discovered a program that would track my investments and download their daily activity for me. Of course I have that already on Comcast but this lets me input the number of shares and the dollar value for each on so that I can better track how well they are doing.

I am hoping that this will enable me to do a better job of deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. This will also give me something to go to my financial adviser with instead of just relying on his input.

Anyway after loading all that information into the program I decided that I would look at Quicken; I knew that it was possible to do in Quicken but I just never tried it. It was actually easier than I thought that it might be; now I will just have to see which one does a better job for me.

Well as you can see I did not get a lot done, but then maybe tomorrow!! I keep hoping that one of these days Kathleen will be feeling better so that we can go to the grocery store and also pick out our fixtures for the downstairs bathroom so that we will be able to start on that.

I would like to think that we could have the downstairs bathroom done before that weather gets too hot. I use the downstairs shower mainly because the upstairs shower is just a stall and a small one at that. With my joints as sore as they have been it is hard for me to position myself to soap up and rinse off.