Monday, June 02, 2008

More Weather Changes are on the Way

I woke up a little early this morning but I felt pretty good and my coughing did not last as long as it had been for the last couple of weeks. In fact after I finished breakfast and reading the paper I felt good enough to go outside and trim the arborvitaes and dead headed the rhododendron. After I finished those things I even mowed the front lawn.

When I got done about 1130 I went into the house and cleaned up. Kathleen had not come downstairs yet so I poured myself another cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table and opened the mail. One of the things there was Kathleen's charge card bill for her sewing equipment and it was still messed up so I took it up to her and asked that she try to call them again and try to get it straightened out.

I have been paying it on time every month and since she has two large purchases on it one for a deferred payment and one for a twelve month no interest. Since they were bought at two separate times I divided the first one by thirty-six and then when she added the second purchase I divided that one by twelve and added that payment to the first.

Ever since I have been making payments on them they have been adding more of the payment to the one that has thirty-six months so at that rate I will not have the one that only has twelve months on it paid off in time. What a mess!

Anyway, after eating some lunch, I went outside and dead headed the roses and iris that had finished blooming. Right now in the rose garden I have several roses, fox glove, iris, columbine forget-me-nots, and a couple other plants blooming so it really looks nice.

While I was out there, I also cultivated the rows of my vegetable garden as the weeds seem to be growing much better than what I planted although the tomato plants are doing pretty well. After I finished cultivating I sat down rested for a little bit before I went back inside.

After washing up I sat down in my chair and it was not too long before I had fallen asleep. I woke up when Kathleen came downstairs. She had decided to make salmon patties and tater tots for dinner. The as a side we had some sweetened cherries in syrup; kind of good but probably not the healthiest thing to eat a lot of.

I think that I felt better today than I have in about a month or so, so I hope that I am on my way to getting well. I was really getting tired of not feeling well Well it has started to drizzle again. It is suppose to be this way for the next couple of days and the weather people are telling us that it is suppose to clear up later on this week, but around here one has to see it before they can believe that it is really going to be nice out.