Friday, July 27, 2007

Fatigueing Friday

I slept pretty well last night and felt pretty rested when I got up, but when I got up I realized how sore I was. Not only was my back sore, it usually is a little sore but it was really sore this morning. I went downstairs and watered the roses and vegetables and then went inside and put on my walking shoes.

Then I started out on my walk. When I started I did not have any idea how far I would go it was mostly dependent upon how I felt as I got into my walk. It did not take too long to discover that my leg muscles were also pretty sore, so I decided early on that it would not be a marathon walk.

Yesterday my total miles from my pedometer was 13+ miles, right now at 1930 I only have 5.59 miles, so I am about a third of where I was yesterday. Yesterday I not only took two walks but I mowed the lawn and did a lot of walking type activities.

After getting back from my walk I made myself some shredded wheat with a banana, some blueberries and raspberries. After eating I loaded up the dishwasher and started it up. Then I went into the living room and read the paper. The mail came just as I was finishing the paper, so I got it and opened it up.

Unfortunately there was too much junk mail, so I recycled it along with the paper and then went outside and pruned the roses. The roses are not in as full bloom as they have been; they are kind of in between bloomings, so it is not the task that it was a couple weeks ago.

After I finished the roses, I also did a little weeding, blackberry bushes, morning glory and other weeds that keep popping up in the rose garden.

Then I got my electric hedge shears and trimmed the hedge on the east front of the house. It was not as bad as I thought it was once I got to trimming it, but it still needed a trim. After putting the trimmer away, I transplanted a couple small privets to go along the east side of the house.

There is no fence there so I am trying to make my own. I have arborvitaes there as well and they do a good job of blocking out some of the east wind in the winter time.

Then I went inside and made myself a salad and reheated up the left-over Hungry Man TV dinner from last night. Those things have too much food in them for one meal, but I can remember the days when I could eat one and want more, thankfully those days are long gone.

After I finished eating, I emptied the dishwasher and then went into the living room and sat down to rest for a while. Aaron came by for a while, he is kind of batching it this weekend as most of our children and their families are camping out at Bar View Campgrounds this week end.

Aaron is working so he could not go and Kathleen and I are both not feeling too well. Kathleen with her shingles and me the side effects of my radiation treatment are still bothering me.

For some reason I just did not have the energy that I had yesterday, so I did not get much of anything else done this afternoon. For dinner Kathleen made some chicken and fried the left-over rice from two nights ago and cooked an artichoke. I had to put some of my chicken back and I only had a few pieces to begin with.

When I checked my blood pressure this afternoon it was 100/63; which is a little lower than it has been. It has been averaging something like 110/73. While I am glad to see it low that could also be a reason why I am not having the energy that I once had. Of course I do not want to go back to the days when it was 145/105 either, but a happy medium somewhere would be nice.

Well, this is all that I can think about from today, so I am just going to say good night!