Friday, July 11, 2008

Trying to get back to "Normal"

Well, from Tuesday until yesterday afternoon Kathleen and I were taking care of Brandon while Andrea and John stayed at the hospital. Even though Brandon is a really happy child his energy level is so much more than mine both Kathleen and I were really worn out by the time we got home.

I had planned on blogging last night but by the time I finished going through two plus days of e-mail I was too tired to even think about what was going on in our lives.

Tuesday we picked up Brandon from the hospital after visiting with Andrea, John and Christian and then headed to their place so that it would not be quite as disruptive for Brandon. Brandon did surprisingly well; he did not fuss at all when we put him in the car seat in our SUV and played really well with his toys when we got him home.

We tried to get him use to the play area that Andrea had set up and he did pretty well for the first half hour. Kathleen had gotten it with him and he played with his toys but pretty soon he realized that he did not have the freedom to wander around like he was use to; I started to play with him and some of his toys and he was good for a while longer.

Eventually we took him out and let him play around the kitchen living room area. Then later in the evening when Kathleen put him down he cried for a little while and then settled down and slept for about twelve hours.

Wednesday was about the same except he did not want to take a nap in the afternoon, but he still slept for about twelve hours that night.

Andrea, John and Christian got home Thursday afternoon around 1330; we had put Brandon down for a nap around 1230 and he was still sleeping. He cried for a few minutes but then settled down and slept for over two hours.

John had stopped and picked up a couple Papa Murphy pizzas and Kathleen had turned on the oven so that when they got here we put the pizzas into the oven and then enjoyed them when they were done.

Brandon was still sleeping as Kathleen and I were leaving and John had gone upstairs to wake him up, but we needed to get going as Kathleen wanted to stop off at World Mart to pick up some chocolate; while we where there we found some new Adirondack chairs, stools and tables so we decided to pick up a couple.

Kathleen got bright red chair and stool while I got a nice looking blue chair, stool and table; they did not have any red tables so we just got the one. It always amazes me that here we are with summer only three weeks old and they are already putting on clearance the summer items.

Anyway when we got home I unloaded the SUV, putting the Adirondack furniture in the back yard and our luggage I lugged upstairs. So after putting away the clothes I had not used and the rest in the laundry I changed clothes and went downstairs.

I had thought that I might try putting together the furniture but I was too tired and even after a little rest I was still too tired. Kathleen had a class at Montivilla Sewing Center at 1730 so I brought her machine downstairs and put it into the SUV for her.

After a while I got hungry so I made myself some dinner and then went back to reading my e-mail. I was still doing that when Kathleen got home. So I took her machine back upstairs and finished my e-mail. By this time I was too tired to think straight and so I just zoned out watching CSI and then got ready for bed.

Today I got up at my regular time and after making breakfast, coffee and reading the paper I went outback and put together the furniture and set it up in the shade canopy of the ash and cherry trees. I had to stop a couple times to go inside and get myself some ice tea and cool off.

When I finished I put my tools away and then went and dead headed the roses. I had not done that in a couple of days so they really needed it. I even cut a dozen peace roses for the house. After dumping the old roses I put the fresh roses into a vase and added some fresh water.

I had a couple checks to deposit so we took off for the credit union. Kathleen also wanted to stop off at Target to pick up some things and also Office Depot to pick up some ink for her printer. While we were in that shopping center we stopped at Fred Meyer to pick up something for dinner tonight.

When we got home I unloaded the SUV and then changed clothes. By the time I got back downstairs Kathleen had opened the items we got at the deli and we had dinner. After eating I put the dishes into the dishwasher and then headed to my computer to blog.

Well, I think I pretty much caught up on the activities of the last few days, I am sure that I probably have forgotten several things but this is all my tired brain can recall. My system is starting to get back to my normal routine, normal for the last couple years anyway.