Sunday, September 30, 2007

Stormy Sunday

Seems like I missed writing my blog yesterday, I had intended on writing one, but the day kind of slipped by and I did not get around to doing it.

I did get the leaves raked, the front lawn fertilized, pruned the roses and dug up tree suckers, but I had to clean up early as I was watching Aaron and Tami's girls. Kathleen was at Montivilla Sewing Center all day taking a class, so I got the girls all to myself until she got home. I had her pick up a pizza for dinner so she had to stop of there before coming home, so it was about an hour and a half before she got here.

By the time she got here the girls had burned up a lot of energy and were ready to have something to eat. We also made some lemonade which Lexis really liked. After eating we watched a children's video, but about half way through it the girls were ready to do something else. So they played with the Lincoln Logs that I bought Kathleen a few years ago.

Pretty soon they were looking for blankets and pillows and just about that time Tami called and said that they were just leaving and would be here shortly. So by the time they all left I was too tired to get back onto my computer and write my blog.

Today was another story...I had planned on going to church but when I finally got up I could not stop coughing, so I decided to stay home. Once I decided to stay home Kathleen decided that she would stay home as well. So today I did absolutely nothing except try to keep from coughing.

I did call Sue and talked to her and Mom for a while, which is always a good thing, and I am planning to wash towels before the day gets over, but other than make myself a couple meals, I have mostly just sat around. I think I will check with Kathleen to see when or if she is going to do anything for dinner. It seems that unless I ask, nothing gets made, I keep trying to wait, but when it gets to be 1830 or so I need to ask. If she is not going to do anything, I will need to make something for myself.

Well, I need to get going so I will just say good night.