Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A somewhat productive day

This morning I got up about 0600, I think mostly because for the last couple of mornings Kathleen’s car alarm has gone off between 0630 and 0700. It did not go off this morning, but I was awake enough that I could not get back to sleep. The plants needed watering so I did that and then picked some raspberries for my breakfast cereal. I then went inside and had my cereal, juice and coffee.

I needed to rake up the leaves from the front yard again, but I just did not feel like it, so I vacuumed the downstairs. Not quite the same, but it filled the urge.

Later in the morning, I went out to the garage and sorted out more things to take to Goodwill. I got another SUV load full and Kathleen and I even went there and dropped it off. I can now go from one side of the garage to the other with out injuring myself.

Andrea came over and took Kathleen to “Bed Bath and Beyond”. They stopped off at Rossi farm and brought home some corn for dinner. I had a couple ears and the leftovers from last night. Yummy!

Kathleen had a Fellowship team meeting tonight so I took her to church and then went home and sorted out some more things to take to Goodwill tomorrow. Kathleen got a ride home so I did not have to pick her up.

Well, that is about all for tonight. Have a good night!