Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wednesday's Warm Weather

The first thing I did when I got downstairs this morning was to get the paper and turn the sprinkler on the lawn. With the weather predicted to be in the ninety's for the next couple days, I wanted the grass to get a dose of good old H2O. A green lawn helps keep the house cooler and is nicer to walk on.

Then I made myself some shredded wheat with a banana and raisins. I had to make powered milk this morning as I did not get any skim milk at Winco the other day and I ran out of soy milk. I was planning on picking up a case at Costco today, but we never made it there today.

After eating I emptied the dishwasher and then went into the living room and read the paper and then the mail when it arrived. I have been in the process of trying to cut back on monthly expenses so that we do not need as much monthly income. Being on a fixed monthly income, I am trying to stretch it as far as possible and still live somewhat comfortably.

So yesterday I did an online request for some auto insurance and homeowner’s insurance quotes and I have gotten about six back so far. I have had State Farm for thirty some odd years and until now the premium amount has really not been much of an issue and I was not concerned whether or not it was the lowest around.

Much to my surprise every insurance company that I got quotes from were higher than what I am currently paying now with State Farm. Some of them were even quite a bit higher... like a hundred or more dollars.

I even talked with my insurance agent today and he was able to lower my premiums by $240 a year for our autos. So that really made my day. He is even trying to get it retroactive to last April, which is as far back as he could go because that is the renewal date. So if he is able to do that I will either get a refund or a $60 credit. Not bad!

This afternoon I had planned on going to Costco, but thought that we would stop at Goodwill, as Kathleen is trying to find demi-spoons for a project she is working on. So we drove out to the one in Gresham to look, we looked at our local Goodwill last week so she wanted to look somewhere else today. Well while we were there she found some bowls that she liked and a couple other things, but no spoons.

Then since we were out that way she wanted to stop at Cost Plus to try to find some Jamaican Jerk (???) of a recipe for fish taco's that she was making for dinner tonight. Again we could not find it, but she did find several other things. Do we see a pattern here?

By this time I was getting to the point where going to Costco was too much for me, I just cannot shop for that long and Costco is usually a challenge in itself. Besides Kathleen wanted to stop by the Barn to pick up some fresh corn and that would really make going to Costco hard on me. We did get the corn and several other things, so out of all our shopping today the only thing we got that we had planned on buying was four ears of corn.

Well, I am writing this before dinner, just because I have the time and it is nice and cool in my office, so sitting at the computer is a good thing. I think that Kathleen is still planning on the fish tacos for dinner tonight, it sounds good so I will have to remember to comment on it tomorrow. So for now I am going to sign off and say my good night a little early!