Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Midweek Messes

I got up about 0800 again this morning, I had been awake for a while and was not going back to sleep. After my morning routine, I went into the kitchen and cleaned it up a bit and then made a pot of coffee and made myself a couple eggs, sausages and raisin toast for breakfast. While I was making breakfast the mail came, so I went out and got it, I think everything was junk mail.

After eating I cleaned up the kitchen again, I poured myself another cup of coffee and went into the living room too read the paper. After finishing the paper and putting it into the recycling bag, I went outside to rake up all the small branches and fir cones from the front lawn. I had picked up all the larger branches a couple days ago, but it still looked a mess from all the small branches and cones that had come down during the high winds.

As soon as I got outside it started to rain, the freezing kind, but I wanted to get the lawn raked, so I just stayed out there and finished the raking. When I did finish raking I had a pretty good-sized pile, so I put it into the yard debris can, then put the rake back into the garage and went inside to clean up.

Since I had not vacuumed the carpet for a couple days I decided that I should do that before it got too much worse. I had already picked up a couple clumps of Reggie fur, but there was still a lot of it left and many fir needles. This time of year, we always seem to have almost as many fir needles inside as there are on the ground outside.

This afternoon, I cleaned up some unused files and removed some unused programs from my computer, then updated a couple programs and generally did some computer house keeping.

Kathleen made some stir fried tonight for dinner and it was good, we have been kind of living off leftovers for the last week or so and it was nice to have something different. Tonight it is suppose to get warmer as the night goes on, I think that it is suppose to get up to the mid to upper 40's tonight.

Well, I cannot think of anything else to write about, so I will just sign off and say good night.