Friday, May 04, 2007

Feel Better Friday

I slept pretty well last night and did not get up until about 0800. I was not congested as I had been much of this week, which was really nice. So after eating breakfast and reading the paper I took myself for a walk around the block. It was a little drizzly as I started off, but once I got going I did not feel any more drops.

I looked at the grass seed and it still looked damp from the rain last night/early this morning, so I did not bother watering it this morning. Shortly after I got back from my walk and sat down and then the mail came, so I read it.

The grass was high enough that if I felt better I might have tried to mow it, but given that fact and the fact that it was still pretty damp; I easily talked myself out of doing that. I did a little sorting in the upstairs bathroom closet and tried to neaten everything up a little...but I was not really very successful at achieving much progress.

For lunch I heated up a couple of the left-over apricot/banana pancakes from the other morning, and use up two bottles of syrup, one maple and the other blueberry. Speaking of blueberries, I have some green berries on my bushes. I also noticed some green strawberries and raspberries, so it will not be much longer before I can start grazing on berries in the mornings.

So many of our flowers are in bloom, several of the roses, the primroses, the columbine, violas and several others. The bulbs are pretty much history now, so I will need to cut the dead stalks off them one of these days.

Anyway, after lunch, I went outside and picked up a five gallon bucket of fir cones, so I am sure that my leg and back muscles will be sore in the morning. I did notice that my throat started to bother me this afternoon, and my nose started to run pretty good as well. I have been sneezing a lot the last few days and today was not exception, but it got a little worse this afternoon.

The grass seed had gotten a little dry, so I went out to water it and just as I did it started to drizzle again, I just kept watering, and the people driving by probably thought that I was a little nuts, but it stopped raining before I finished watering.

A short time after I got back into the house it started to get pretty dark looking, and when I looked out of the kitchen window the street was white...from hail. It got pretty heavy for a while, but after the initial barrage it must have warmed up, because there was none that stuck.

Kathleen made a pot roast for dinner tonight along with potatoes, carrots and onions. There were lots left-over so I am sure that we will be having it for a few more meals. Well, I did not take a nap this afternoon, and I still do not feel too tired, but then I did not do very much of anything today. That is all I can think to write about so I will just say good night for now.