Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sunny than Showery Sunday

Happy Easter! I got a pretty decent night's sleep last night, I only woke up once and then slept until 0715. Compared to how I felt yesterday, it was almost like night and day. When I got up, I went downstairs to make myself breakfast, so I opened the refrigerator to see what I could find.

There was a container of egg whites from Kathleen's breakfast yesterday, and I found four open jars of pepperoncini, so I combined two of them; I also found two partially used onions, so I threw the one out that was kind of beige in color and took two slices out of the other one.

Then I got a couple potatoes out and scrubbed and grated them and then added all the other vegetables together and added the rest of the container of hot salsa with a dozen or so of the pepperoncini that I cut up and fried the whole mess up. While that was cooking, I took the egg whites and added some onion, garlic power and cayenne and then shredded some cheddar cheese to the top and made kind of an omelet.

It was good and filling. After eating I loaded up the dishwasher and did the pans that I had used for breakfast, and then I went into the living room to read the paper. I would have tried to make it to church or Sunday School this morning, but since it was Easter, I thought that I would wait a week or so longer. I was also pretty tired, although I did feel a lot better than yesterday; I needed a couple days to build up some reserve.

Anyway, after finishing the paper and recycling it, I went outside and got out the reel mower to mow the front lawn. I probably should have used the used the Honda rotary mower, but the reel mower leaves the lawn looking better, especially when the weather turns hot and dry.

Anyway, it was suppose to start raining later this afternoon, so I thought that I would try out my new chipper/shredder and composter, so gathered up some branches and filled a thirty-two gallon garbage can full of branches and shredded them into about ten gallons (two five gallon buckets) of chips. Then I put them into the composter and added the compost from my old composter.

Just about the time I was finishing up chipping it started to drizzle a little bit, so I gathered up the chipper, extension cord and put them back into the garage. Then I added some compost starter and turned it a few times to get everything good and stirred up.

Once inside I sat down for a while and rested, I could not believe how tired I was, I had not really done much of anything physical, except mow the front lawn. The chipping and shredding was not hard on me, it just involved picking the branches out of the garbage can and putting it into the chipper/shredder.

After I had rested for a while I decided to make myself some lunch, well actually Alyssa sent along a plate of things that they had last night. There was a couple tortellini and frank bunnies, zucchini bake that Alyssa made, some KFC chicken that Kathleen brought and some Trader Joe's orange chicken that Andrea had brought. I ate about half of what was there and if Kathleen does not want any, I will finish it for some other meal.

It started raining again about 1530, not really very hard, but enough so that one would not want to be outside. Kathleen came downstairs about 1600 and we each had a piece of double threat chocolate cake with chocolate icing and Bavarian cream filling that Tami made last night. That was really good!

After resting/dozing most of the afternoon, I decided to vacuum the downstairs carpeting, it has needed it for a while, but I have not had the energy to do it. I am hoping that since the weather is suppose to be wet for the next few days that I will be able to get some of my energy back.

Kathleen made some ravioli for dinner tonight she also opened up a jar of applesauce and we had the rest of the KFC cold slaw from the KFC Chicken bucket that she brought over to Alyssa's last night. Now I am stuffed and ready to go to sleep, but I need to stay up for a few more hours or else I will be up about 0300 in the morning.

Well, I think that just about covers my day, I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! Good night for now.

Saturday's Surprise Showers

Well, I am almost awake, yesterday, I could barely function. I had no energy and I think I took at least five naps. I awoke about 0500 and finally got up at 0600, but not really rested. I made myself a couple eggs, a soy sausage patty and a couple pieces of toast. Then I emptied the dishwasher that I started Friday night, then added the dishes from breakfast and then did the stove full of pots and pans from the last two days.

After cleaning the kitchen a little I went into the living room to read the paper and mail. Somewhere along the way I dozed off. After a while Kathleen got up and after she had some breakfast, I reminded her that we needed to pick up the chipper/shredder that I had on hold at the store. It was on sale and they were only going to hold it for me until the end of the day.

We picked it up and then headed home, getting some gasoline for Kathleen's Acura, $51.00 later we headed home. It is a good thing that we do not go too many places, we could not afford to do that every week.

I was really tired when we got home, so I took another nap, but the phone woke me up, so I got up and made myself some lunch. I combined the left-over noodles, sausage, some rice, some hash brown potatoes that Kathleen made herself for breakfast and a can of tomato soup. Not bad!

I cleaned up my mess and then went out to the garage to put together the chipper/shredder, it did not need much assembly, so it did not take too long to do, but I was tired from just moving it around, so when I had finished, I went back inside, cleaned up and took another nap.

Kathleen came downstairs and started putting the Easter baskets together for the grandchildren as we were going to Alyssa and Dan's for a get together with the children and grandchildren. Then she went back upstairs and I fell asleep again, only to be awoken when Kathleen was opening some plastic bags to put the baskets in.

I was still really tired, so I told her that I did not think that I could make it. I physically could have gone, but I was so tired that I did not want to push myself and I knew that Kathleen would stay longer than I would be able to, so I told her that I would stay home and dozed off shortly after she left.

I would have liked to go, but I could not handle the activity that it would have involved, plus I probably would have just sat around and tried to stay awake.

Somewhere around 1730 I awoke and reheated the left-over soup that I had made myself to lunch, I kind of just vegetated the rest of the night. Kathleen came home around 2130, and I was just about ready to head upstairs to go to bed, but she called and said that she was on her way, so I stayed up until she got home.

Well, that was my yesterday. I did sleep a little better last night, I did not wake up until about 0630, I am not what I would call wide awake, but at least I do not feel like I need to take a least not just yet.