Sunday, June 01, 2008

Junes First Weekend Wrapup

Yesterday was a nice day and after breakfast and reading the paper I went outside and mowed the back lawn and then got out my grass sheers and edged the back gardens and even the area around the back sidewalk and along the east fence. By the time I was done I was a wee bit tired so I sat out in one of our Adirondack chairs and rested for a while.

After resting for a while I filled up a bucket with some ammonia and water, got a rag and squeegee and went and washed all the outside windows on the first floor. It did not take too long, but it sure made a difference in being able to see out of the windows. Now we will just have to find some time to do the inside. I did not have to be too careful doing the outside as if I spilled a little it did not matter; inside that is not the case.

I finished up around 1800 and I was getting hungry, since Kathleen has not been feeling well I decided that I would make my own dinner and while I was doing that she came downstairs. I spent most of the rest of the evening in the living room watching TV and then went to bed early.

I slept pretty well and when I got up I felt good, but still not good enough to try and go to church as I was coughing and sniffling all morning. Today was different from yesterday as it was wet just about all day. It did not rain all that much, it just never really cleared up. Finally around 1630 I decided to go sweep off the front porch.

The birds really enjoy the bird seed from the feeder but they really make a mess of the front porch. I was noticing yesterday as I was washing the front kitchen windows that the sunflower seed shells from the sunflower bird feeder were covering the ground underneath it. I had to refill both feeders again today.

I took the third feeder down as the squirrels were climbing up it and I wanted the birds to be able to get first shot at it. I do not really care if the squirrels get theirs from off the ground but I do not want them climbing up onto the bird feeder.

Tonight Kathleen thawed out some ham, barley and lentil soup that she made last winter and we had that for dinner. There is still enough left over for at least one more meal and maybe a lunch for me next week.

Well that about covers the weekend, I am starting to feel better every day so I am hoping that I will stop coughing and having so much drainage this next week.