Saturday, August 30, 2008

Start of the Last Weekend of Summer

Yesterday I spent some time scrubbing down our old plastic picnic table and by the time afternoon rolled around I was really tired. I sat down in my chair for a while and was awaken when Toni called saying that they were going to come over in a few minutes. They were stopping off at Wendy's and wanted to know if we wanted anything, since I had eaten before I went to sit down all I asked for was a frosty.

They arrived shortly afterward and brought a couple extra Jr. burgers, but all I had was the frosty. After they left I took another nap and when I woke up it was almost 1900 so I called up to Kathleen to see if she was going to do anything for dinner and she said that she would be down shortly.

Since there were two burgers left she asked if that would be okay for dinner, I said sure and so we finished them off along with some cole slaw and potato salad left over form the other night.

After eating and putting the dishes into the dishwasher I logged onto my computer but I could not get my brain to think about blogging so I just kind of decided that I would skip a night.

Today was another cool day, lots of clouds mixed with patches of sunshine so after breakfast I went back outside and picked about three dozen cherry tomatoes and then brought them into the house. Then I went back out and Finished scrubbing down the remaining four chairs from the picnic set that I started working on yesterday.

After cleaning up I got the mail and went through it and put the majority of it into the pile for the recycling. Then I washed the pots and pans and some of the dishes that were in the sink.

Kathleen came downstairs and made herself some toast and I took out the recycling and the garbage as it was starting to overflow. Then I sat down and looked through a couple magazines and catalogs while she ate breakfast.

Felling like I needed to be outside I decided to get my rake and rake up the walnut tree leaves that have started to fall. If I do not stay on top of them they get really heavy from the dew and when it rains they really get hard to rake.

After putting away the rake I went back inside; Kathleen had gone back upstairs I sat around for a while and then decided that I needed make myself something to eat.

After resting for a while I though that I needed to do something else before I wasted away the whole day; so I went back outside and got out my leaf blower and blew off the sidewalks, driveway and around the front lawn.

Well, that has been my life for the last couple days, I Did get a chance to email Ben Roush and two of his sisters, Dianne and Nancy, the last couple of days and got reacquainted after almost forty years and they all said to say hi.