It had been quite a while since I had vacuumed the upstairs, so I was not really too surprised at the amount of dirt that I picked up. After vacuuming I thought about doing the stairs, but I just did not have the energy, so I emptied the dishwasher.
Next it was off to my radiation appointment, which went well. Since we did not have any place that we had to go to or even wanted to go, we went home. It was nice getting home earlier because I had some time before I would start my afternoon bathroom pilgrimage.
I heated up the leftover salmon, pea and noodle casserole for lunch, and then toasted a couple pieces of English muffin bread and made some toast pizza, one of my staples.
Starting my treks to the bathroom an hour late was another surprise, because normally I had been starting my treks about 1500, but today for some reason it did not start until 1600. I am not complaining, I was just surprised when it did not start when I expected it to.
This afternoon, I finished another of the books that I had checked out of the library, so tomorrow we will probably stop by the library to take them back. The rest of the afternoon, I spent dozing in my chair. I am not sure why, but I have been extremely tired this afternoon.
Tonight for dinner, Kathleen made some chicken, carrots and asparagus stir fried along with some rice. It tasted really good, but then I really like fresh asparagus and baby carrots. Because I can only have a coupe of servings of vegetables each day, so it is nice to have something that I really like.
Well, tonight Kathleen goes across town to do her sleep apnea study, with her gone tonight and as tired as I feel, I think that it will be a really early night, so I will say good night for now and talk to you again tomorrow.