Saturday, September 30, 2006

Saturday and I am ready for a day of rest

After breakfast, I looked for and found my tin snips so that I could put a patch on the roof. I found them and then got the old wooden ladder out and set it up on the side of the house. Then I got the piece of aluminum and cut it up to fit on the roof. Now I just have to wait until it rains to see if the patch works. If it does, I will have to make it a permanent patch, right now it is just in there temporarily.

After that, I picked up the walnuts and then mowed the lawn. I was pretty worn out so I took a break and got a 32 ounce jug of ice water and went and sat out on the front porch for a while.

While sitting there I noticed that the hedge really needed to be trimmed. So I got out my hedge sheers and started whacking away at it. I had been using the electric hedge trimmers lately and this time I decided to use the manual ones as they really do a better job, although they are much more labor intensive.

Somewhere between mowing the lawn and trimming the hedge both my hip and shoulders were really bothering me. I am not sure about the hip, but the shoulder I am pretty sure is bursitis, (I think I need to take some more Advil.) So I finished picking up the clippings and put them in the recycling bin.

I sat on the front porch some more and drank more water. After a while, I noticed that I was getting a little hungry so I went inside, made myself a grill cheese sandwich, and had a few chips.

Knowing that I needed to clean up and sand down the planting bench I decided to do that. I hosed off most of the crud and than took a nylon 3M pad and got the finish to the point where I could oil it. I will have to wait until tomorrow or Monday so that it will completey dry out.

Not wanting to go inside yet I decided to straighten up the junk pile under the apple tree. I through out a bunch of old plastic flower pots and several plant trays. It does not look great yet, but it is much better than it was before. I also threw away some of the junk that had been collecting by the outside garage door.

I was pretty filthy so I got the hose out to dust myself off before going into the house. While doing that I decided to clean out the bird bath and refill it. I went inside and got another 32 ounces of water. I sat down for a while, drank the water, and then checked with Kathleen to see what she wanted to do for dinner. We had some black beans and I cut up a couple chicken and cheese sausages to go with it. It was not bad, and there is a little left over for a snack tomorrow.

Well, that is just about it for today, I am tired, but I fell that I got quite a lot done. Now it is time to say good night!