Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bathroom Progress

Last night after I finished my blog I put insulation in the bathroom walls. Just thinking about it now makes me itch and while I probably should have gone to bed I wanted to get that done last night instead of this morning.

Stan and Pat, our plumber, were suppose to be here around 0900 this morning so after I finished breakfast I went outside to rake leaves as rain is predicted for tomorrow.

I got the front lawn raked before Stan got here and since he had some work to do inside I decided to finish raking the back yard while I had everything out. Pat arrived just as I was putting my tools in the garage and by the time he brought his tools into the house I was back inside as well.

Kathleen went to Natalie and Zander's Grandparent Day at their school, I could not do because one of the two of us needed to be here to answer questions and also help Stan run the Cat-6 wire for Kathleen's computer. As it turned out it was a good thing that I was here as Stan did not have a drill long enough to go through all the flooring and I was able to get my old lamp drill that I use to use on my lathe as it was almost two feet long.

Around noon time Pat had finished installing the plumbing hardware as well as the bathtub and took off. After Pat took off I finished putting on the connectors on the wire that we had run up to Kathleen's computer room. The other end goes to my computer but I have not hooked that one up yet.

Kathleen came home and had a good time with the grandchildren and brought home some chocolate milk and a bag of chips that she did not eat for her lunch. After she got settled back in she worked with Stan as to the placement to the grab bars for the tub.

Stan had a meeting to go to so he needed to leave early and since for the next three days the people who are hanging the drywall will be here. Since he will not be able to work on the bathroom until they are done he took his tools with him as he had a couple small jobs to do for a couple days I helped him gather up his tools and load them into his pickup and he left about fifteen minutes later than he had planned on but he thought that he would be okay in making his meeting.

After he left I took out the box that the tub had come in; it was nice not to have that sitting in the living room after a couple of days. Both Pat and Stan were amazed at how deep it was and after seeing it in place it is about six or so inches taller than our old tub.

Well, tomorrow the guys that are doing the dry walling are suppose to be here around 0800 tomorrow morning. besides the bathroom we are also redoing the lower section of our bedroom and a couple places where we had some water damage a few years ago so that is why it is taking a couple days to do that. There is also the closet in my office that we tore apart while we were doing the bathroom so that will get fresh dry wall as well.

Since they are doing our bedroom ceiling over our bed I will need to take that apart tomorrow morning before they get started. We are also having a light coating of texture added to the walls and ceiling in the bathroom, so that will probably make up the third day.

Tonight we had another dinner of the pot roast that Kathleen had made the other night; this is the third meal that we have had form that roast and there is still enough for at least one more meal.

I think that is all I can think about for tonight my eyes are itchy from the dust and insulation so I think I will sign off.


Sue Albert said...

Thanks for the update and the great pictures!

I am not sure if I gave you the date of Bill's surgery. It will be 11/18. He has really been in a great deal of pain the last few weeks and has been using a cane.

Bob Roush said...

Thanks for the update on Bill. How long will Bill be staying in the hospital? I have several canes and walking sticks that I use sometimes. I keep trying not to use the cane because I do not want to look like too much of an old man.

Sue Albert said...

I am not sure yet. He is high risk, so we are hoping that all goes well. He can't stand the pain any longer, and his orthopedist specializes in high-risk, so I have to support him in his decision. He will probably have to go to a rehab facility after he leaves the hospital, as getting in and out of the car to go to daily physical therapy will not be practical. It will be interesting caring for Mom, as well as running back and forth to the hospital/rehab. The Lord will provide and I will just have to take it one day at a time.

Bob Roush said...

Well, I do not envy your having to care for Mom and running back and forth to visit Bill, would Mom go with you? That might make it a bit easier that is if you can get Mom to go with out too much of a struggle.

Sue Albert said...

She will probably go with me once in awhile if all the conditions are just right. She does not go out if it is too cold or windy or icy. Also, if there is too much walking involved, or if we will be gone too long. So I will have to play it by ear.

It is 11:30 a.m. and she is still not dressed. I don't like nagging her, so I will wait until lunchtime, and tell her she needs to get dressed before lunch.

Alyssa said...

Looks like you are enjoying a nice bath! I can't wait to see the progress in person.

Bob Roush said...

It is the latest thing called a dry bath; your Mother likes the depth of the new tub, I will just enjoy taking a shower that I can actually move around in. The one upstairs is too small for me to really enjoy taking a shower in, I can barely move around.

Bob Roush said...

Sue, I wonder if Mom would use one of those wheeled walkers that also have a place to sit when one is not walking. I have thought about that for myself, but I am not quite that bad off yet.

The dry wall folks are here all four of them so it is a little noisy and dusty around here right now. Thankfully it started to rain during the night and that will help make the air a little more moist so maybe my sinuses will not dry out too much from the drywall dust.

Sue Albert said...

Jennifer says if we go to a walker, Mom's strength and balance will get even worse. People rarely give up a walker once they have one. But thanks for the idea.

Bob Roush said...

I was not thinking of using the walker all the time but just when you went to the mall or she would be on her feet for a long period of time so that if she got tired so could sit and rest of push herself with her feet.