Friday, October 31, 2008

Dirty and Dusty Day

Well the dry wall folks arrived a little after 0800 this morning and before they left this evening they had pit dry wall and taped on the bathroom walls and ceiling, the closet walls and ceiling, our bedroom walls and ceiling, patched the living room wall, the kitchen ceiling a one of our bedroom walls. We had dry wall dust all over the place.

Stan dropped by early this morning to make sure that everything was going alright and then took off for the other job that he was going to do today and Monday. One of the guys did all the cutting and hanging of the dry wall and then the others taped and mudded when he was done.

Andrea dropped by for a while today with the boys and she and Kathleen deposited a check in the credit union and then went to Target to pick up some Halloween candy; I think that Kathleen got enough candy for the next couple of months.

I am trying to stay loose tonight to take care of the Trick and Treaters, but so far tonight we have not had any.

Well, I am too tired to write much more tonight and I also seemed to be writing on Facebook and Blogger a lot today.

I will see if I can include a couple pictures tomorrow, but I am too tired tonight.


Sue Albert said...

It was such a warm night for the kids to Trick-or-Treat. It was in the 60's, so they didn't need jackets to cover their costumes. I think I had 92 kids. Tonight the clocks go back and we gain 1 hour of sleep!

Bob Roush said...

It was very warm here as well; usually it is either rainy, windy, cold or sometimes a combination of the three.

We had a total of seven Trick or Treaters last night and four of those where Aaron, Tami, Becca and Alexis.

We could have given each Trick or Treater two bags of candy.

Yes an extra hour of sleep!