Saturday, October 20, 2007

Stormy Saturday

Well actually it was a continuation from the last couple of days, but it really rained last night. The driveway looked like it was in the middle of a forest with all the fir needles lying around. There were even a few branches that had blown down but nothing very big.

I decided not to go to the men's breakfast this morning, my ear and throat were still bothering me and I did not want to pass it on to someone else nor did I want to get any worse by going, so I just made myself an egg beater and a veggie sausage for breakfast.

After eating breakfast and putting my dishes into the dishwasher I washed the pots from last nights roast and then I went into the living room to read the paper. It was so dark outside that it almost looked like it was the middle of the night. After a while the mail came, but there really was not anything important there either.

I got to feeling a little worse, so I just kind of loafed around the house the rest of the day. I did go outside for a while and rake the fir needles out of the gap between where the lawn ended and the road began so that the water would not build up there too much. While I was sat it I also got out my hoe and re-dug the path from the walkway to the garden so that the water would not collect there at the end of the steps.

Kathleen wanted me to go with here to look at tile and run a few errands, so we took off and found some tile for the bathroom floor and also got some more of her instant Mocha mix while we were at it. We were both really tired so we did not want to stay out too long.

For dinner we heated up some of the left over roast, potatoes and carrots from last night. It probably tasted even better as the flavors had all kind of blended together and everything was pretty saturated with the juices.

Well, another pretty boring day and I do not envision it getting any better, so I will just say good night.

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