Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday's Funk

Another day that I did not go for my normal walk, my system still has not returned to its "normal" pre-colonoscopy schedule. So after making my way downstairs I made myself some oatmeal, it was really a hot cereal morning so oatmeal was a good choice for me.

After putting away my breakfast dishes, I dug out the vacuum cleaner; the living room carpet looked like a forest floor with all the fir needles on it. This time of year, with all the fir needles falling and the wet weather they really get tracked into the house every time someone comes in the front door.

The back door is a little better, but not much, there are just so many needles. Right now the back yard, especially under the cherry and ash trees is cover in about three inches of leaves. There are still plenty of leaves in the trees yet, so I am not going to try to rake them up now. I will either wait until we have a couple dry days or all the leaves fall, which ever comes first.

Aaron and Tami brought the girls over about 1100 and the girls quickly drug out some of their favorite toys and coloring books. I got to read some stories and after a while they started coloring.

Tami had made the girls PB&J sandwiches and some apple slices for the girl’s lunch, so while they colored I put the sandwiches and apple slices on plates and added some pretzel sticks. I also made up two quarts of Crystal Lite for the girls to drink. After eating I gave the girls a pack of fruit snacks for an after lunch treat.

While I cleaned up the kitchen Kathleen lead the girls in a "craft" time, basically giving them some paper, scissors, glue sticks and crayons to draw with...the girls had a good time. Becca
actually made some pictures and colored them while Alexis just wanted to cut paper.

Tami called a little after 1300 and asked if we would mind watching the girls a little longer as they wanted to go to Trader Joe's to do some shopping, since they were playing so well I said sure. By the time Aaron and Tami got back I think that the girls were ready to go home. They did a good job of playing while they were here, but I think that they were glad to see their Mom and Dad.

Some time this afternoon my throat and ear started to bother me, so I lay down on the couch and took a nap for a while, I still did not feel too well after awaking, and really had not energy, so I think I have a sinus infection of some sort. It is not too surprising given the weather we have been having and my lack of resistance to anything. I have found out that I seem to come down with any and everything that is going around.

Ever since the surgery and more specifically the radiation, I have been sick more than in the last twenty years put together. I find myself avoiding going places sometimes just to avoid the possibility of catching something.

Well, Kathleen made a pot roast this afternoon for dinner tonight, I had some, and it tasted good, but I was feeling so uchy that I did not enjoy it as much as I would have liked to or should have. It looks like we will have enough left-over for several more meals. Well, that is about it for today, I am planning on going to bed early tonight so this is a good time to say good night.


Mama Cimino said...

Oh, I hope you aren't getting sick. I just got over having a sore throat for a week. Mom and I must have been having the same thoughts or cravings. I made a pot roast yesterday in the slow cooker. Mmm so tasty!!! Even better as leftovers. Take care of that cold!!!

Sue Albert said...

How are you feeling today? Try to get lots of rest. Mom really enjoyed talking with you on Thursday. I'm glad the results were good. Hope you get back to normal soon.