Friday, April 20, 2007

Fabulous Friday

I am way too tired to be writing this, but I thought that I would give it a try anyway. Today was another really nice spring day, so after breakfast, reading the paper and the mail, I decided to go out side and do some work around the yard.

I mowed the back yard, it was not nearly as long as I expected it to be, but it still needed mowing. After that I decided that since I edged the front yard earlier in the week, I should at least start doing the back yard.

I spent a couple hours and did the back rose garden and then got about half way around the berry garden, and then I tackled the little rose garden. By the time I finished that I was getting tired, so I got one of the Adirondack chairs out and sat down for a few minutes to rest.

I could not sit there very long, as I kept thinking of all the things I needed to get done, so I drug the chipper out and started chipping branches, I am in the process of taking out the Mugo pine, so I cut up several of those branches and then did some branches that have been leaning up against the apple tree for several years.

I am sure that I had saved them for something, but I could not remember what it was not, so I thought that it could not have been that important, so into the chipper they went.

Kathleen had come out and told me that I was going to Aaron and Tami's for dinner tonight, so I finished the stack that I had and then put the chipper away. By the time I got into the house it was almost 1800, and I was suppose to be at their house by 1830, so I washed my hands, arms and face and called it good.

Aaron barbecued some hamburgers and a Boca burger for me and Tami made a lemon cake for dessert. Everything tasted so good, but I was so tired that I could hardly enjoy, it but I did. Becca and Alexis sat on my lap while we waited for dinner to get finished, and were trying to get me to play games with them, but I could hardly move, so we went outside and tossed the ball to Archie.

Well, I just got home and now I am more tired than I have been for a while, but it sure was nice to spend the whole day outside. I got so busy that I did not even get lunch today, but I can afford to miss a few meals every now and again.

That is all I can think of for today, so good night for today, tomorrow the rain is suppose to return again.

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