Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday's Mischief

I slept in until about 0730 and got up mostly because I had a lot of mucous in my throat and was having a hard time breathing. Kathleen got up about the same time as well and we talked about having pancakes or waffles for breakfast. I went downstairs, did my computer things, and than Kathleen came down, I asked her about pancakes, and so we had pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast. While she was making the pancakes, I made a pot of coffee and she opened up a can of mango juice.

After eating, I went into the living room and started reading the paper, about half way through the mail came so I went out and got it and then finished reading the paper and then the mail. There were not a lot of things worth keeping, so I deposited the paper and junk mail in the recycling bag.

Kathleen had gone upstairs and was working on her computer, and I collected the garbage, took it out to the garbage can, and took the can up to the street for tomorrow's pickup. Then I washed up, heated up the rest of the beef and barley soup from yesterday, and made a grilled cheese sandwich to go along with the soup.

About 1500 Kathleen came downstairs and wanted to go to church to pick up a couple CD's that she left there yesterday. I had planned on stopping by Multnomah and pick up my alumni card so that I could use the library and the fitness center. After that, we headed to Wal-Mart.

On the way, we came to Boyd's Coffee and Kathleen wanted to stop and get some more pancake mix, so we stopped and looked around while we were there. The off to Wal-Mart.

Kathleen and I both got some sweats and Kathleen got some other clothing. She also found a magazine that she wanted to look at as well as some Christmas ornaments and a couple other things.

While we were checking out, she was wondering what to do for dinner as it was about 1800 and I suggested using some of the left over ham from the potluck yesterday. She thought that was a good idea and would have been quicker than anything else that she could come up with.

So after we got home she heated up a couple potatoes, a yam and a couple slices of ham. After eating, I put the dishes into the dishwasher and she went upstairs to do some more work on her computer. I came into my office and here I am writing my blog. Well, I think that is all the interesting things that I can think of so I will just say good night.

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