Thursday, February 05, 2009

Day Two After Cortisone Shot

This morning when I got up I was able to move without the pain that I have almost become accustom to for the last year and a half. I still have some pain but nothing like what I have been experiencing before the shot.

After breakfast I looked outside and it was much cloudier than it has been the last few days so I decided that I would put down some fertilizer on the lawn. This turned out to be a much larger task than I had originally planned.

After bringing the spreader and the fertilizer to the front yard I realized that there was still some winter debris over by the hedge on the east side of the lawn; so I got out my rake and raked the front lawn. After I finished raking I realized that I probably should mow the lawn, so I got out my mower and mowed the front lawn.

Now that I had the lawn raked and mowed I could put the fertilizer down which I did. After finishing the front lawn I moved everything to the back yard. First I mowed the lawn and then put down the fertilizer. I did not need to rake as I had picked up and raked it a couple days ago.

Then I went back out front with my rake and hoe so that I could clear out the drainage trench that I have from in front of the kitchen windows down along the hedge to get the water away from the sidewalk. Moles had dug up some of the soil last fall and I had not felt well enough to to do it before now.

While I was doing that a couple of guys stopped by and wanted to know if I had any metal that they could have, I let them take some of the pipes and the old tub from the downstairs bathroom a few months before and they seemed like they were okay so I let them take my old gutters that I replace a couple years ago.

I would have let them have it last time but I had forgotten it as it was in the back and the pipes and tub were in the side yard on the other side of the driveway. After they left I went into the house, cleaned up and then made myself some lunch.

Right now I have a load of towels in the washer and I had planned on doing a couple loads of clothes but Kathleen has not gone back upstairs to add her clothes to the laundry bags so I may wait until tomorrow to do them.

I am surprised at how little I hurt after all that I did today. It probably would have taken me three of four days to do what I did today before I had that cortisone shot, so maybe there is hope for me yet.

Well it is getting close to dinner time so I think that I will publish this and call it a day.

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