Sunday, December 21, 2008

Seventh Day of the Arctic Express

Everything was really quiet outside again this morning when I awoke which was a little surprising as we had a freezing rain last night. I slept in until after 0800 again this morning and felt pretty good when I finally did get up.

There was not paper this morning and so I called and no one answered but there was a message saying that there would be no paper today and that they would deliver it when the weather permitted. I am wondering if we will even get one tomorrow as the weather is suppose to get worse before it gets better.

I looked outside around 1530 and wondered why it was so dark out and then when I got to the window I saw that it was almost like a blizzard outside. They just anounced on the TV news that many of the roads are closed and chains are required on all road, they also said that traction tires were not enough even for four wheeled vehicles; not that I was planning on going anywhere anyways.

I have not done much today, there was not paper and comics to read and even though I did go outside on a couple occasions it was too nasty a day with the freezing rain and wind.

Although I might have been been better dressed when I went out, as it was I had on my shorts and a tee shirt and slides in my bare feet. Once my feet got soaked I decided that maybe boots and my ski clothes might have been a better choice.

I had thought about going snow shoeing but the snow was coated with ice and not really the kind of snow that I like to play in. Before the freezing rain it was a great powder snow and would have been fun to play in.

I am rather surprised that I have not seen any tree branches that fell, other than hundreds of tips of branches and lots of fir cones nothing big has fallen so far.

Well as I said earlier I have not done much today, so I think that I will just post some of the pictures I took today and then publish this.

There is about a foot of right here!


Sue Albert said...

It sounds like your weather is worse than ours! We have had snow, but we can get out. This is one winter you will surely remember!

Bob Roush said...

We use to have this kind of weather just about every year, but it has been a while and they do not have the budget or equipment to do the roads the way they should.

How is Bill doing?