Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day 2008

Other than doing dishes several times today and raking leaves I did not get a lot else done. Stan came over for a couple hours today and did a little bit of work upstairs that had not gotten finished before and now he will be gone for the next ten days or so. He has a hunting trip planned for the rest of this week and then he is going to visit our former pastor next week.

The last thing that I heard was that Zander was doing well and that he and Alyssa would be going home tonight.

Well Kathleen had the camera with her when I wrote this last night and could not include the pictures of Zander from his surgery yesterday, so here they are:

I think that Zander's Popcicle is causing his toe to glow red!


Sue Albert said...

I am so glad Zander is doing well. How is Alyssa? This had to be so stressful for her.

Bob Roush said...

I think that it is still a little early to tell, probably in the next couple of days she will start feeling it after the adrenalin rush wears off.