Friday, October 17, 2008

Finishing the First Week of Downstairs Remodeling

This morning I felt a little tired when I got up, which surprised me seeing as I had over nine hours of rest last night. I went to bed a little after 2100 and did not get up until 0630 although I did not get to sleep right away as around 2000 last night my body finally woke up.

A little after 0900 Pat showed up to start on the plumbing and by the time I left for my doctor's appointment around 1000 he had cut out most of the old plumbing for the downstairs bathroom.

Speaking of my doctor's appointment it did go okay today. My PSA level was 0.06 which is the lowest that it has been; the previous low had been .1 and that was a month after my surgery. I still have to go back in three months but I now have some hope that instead of every three months I will be able to do it every six month or even a year instead.

After the doctor's visit we stopped at the credit union so that I could deposit a check and then on to Home Depot to look at Swanstone for our tub surround and also to get some molding to go around our whole house fan.

We did not get back until after noon and by then Pat had most of the plumbing reconnected and moved. One of the things we had him moved was our outside back yard faucet bib; it has always been in an inconvenient spot and now was a great opportunity to have it moved

Where it was before I am planning on putting in a new deck and where it is now it is on the outside of the bathroom...much more convent. Stan was also back from his early morning doctor's appointment and was building up the outside wall of the bathroom.

What was there was not sufficient and some of it was rotten and needed replacing anyway. Now it is well supported although the tub we are putting in is probably a couple hundred pounds lighter than the one we took out.

Monday I think that Stan is going to put the flooring down and then the drywall for the first part of the week. Our new cabinets are in and as soon as the tub comes in Pat will plumb it. This new week we will have to pick up our tile for the floor and walls and whatever electrical outlets, switches, fan and lights that we will want to install.

I had a little more energy today than I have had all week and I felt better, but that is all relative compared to how I think I should feel I still have a ways to go. Well, I am tired even though the only thing I did today was rake the lawn; with both Pat and Stan working in the bathroom I thought that the best thing that I could do was stay out of their way.


Alyssa said...

Yay! I am SO happy that your PSA levels are lower than ever. I was holding my breath, but glad you got quick results. Whew...that is such good news! I hope it continues to go down.

I am also excited to hear you may be adding a deck. I know you have both talked about it for a while, so that will be neat to see eventually.

Sue Albert said...

What great news!!!!!!! Maybe the anxiety was having a part in keeping you tired (not to mention that you do more than anyone I know)!!! It sounds like things are looking up now.

Your renovations are really coming along. We love the Swanstone. We looked around for a really long time before we decided on it.

Have a great weekend!!!

Bob Roush said...

Alyssa - I was glad to hear my PSA levels was down, I was concerned that the reason that I was feeling so tired all the time was that the cancer was growing again. Now it looks like it is a still a side affect from the radiation and as much as I hate to admit it...just getting old.

My PSA can only go down a little more as once it reaches "0" that is it and right now I am only 0.06 from that.

The deck depends on how much we have to spend on the remodel of the downstairs bathroom.

Every year I carve out a chunk of money from my IRA and that is what we live on. Luckily this year I did it when it was high and before everything began to fall like a rock. Unless it really goes up in the next six months or so our budget will be much tighter next year.

Sue - I am sure that the some of the anxiety was from worrying about my cancer getting worse.

It is funny when you mentioned the Swanstone, I was thinking counter top and not tub surround.

Sue Albert said...

Our entire shower enclosure (walls, floor, seat, soap holders, etc plus the sink and countertop are all Swanstone. I couldn't be happier with it.