Monday, September 15, 2008

More Hot Weather

I know that in a couple months I will be wishing for a few sunny days but right now I could really go for a little rain. It has been in the mid eighties to mid nineties for the last couple of weeks and the only hope in sight is a chance of some rain come Thursday. Tomorrow it is suppose to be in the mid nineties again but the weather is suppose to drop to more seasonable temperatures in the next couple of days so that will be nice but we really need some rain.

We are almost five inches of rain short of our average for the year which ends in October so hopefully we will not drop any further down because so much of what makes this part of Oregon so nice is all the greenery which needs rain to stay that way.

I was just kind of worn out this weekend, partially from the heat and party because my body does not feel too good. My legs and feet are still pretty swollen and that really makes them uncomfortable. Yesterday for church I wore regular socks and when I got home and took them off I could really see where the elastic was as the rest of my leg looked swollen and there was a dent in my skin that took quite a while for it to go down.

Last night we really had a beautiful harvest moon and we are supposed to have another one tonight, with the clear skies the moon really stands out. Although I was outside about an hour ago and the sky was almost orange from the pollutants in the air.

I had gone out to pick tomatoes, I had meant to do that this morning but got busy and forgot. I picked six dozen cherry tomatoes a half dozen roma, three early girl and a couple beefsteak tomatoes.

After I brought them inside I had about three dozen for a little afternoon snack and to get some of my vegetables in today. While I was out there I picked a couple raspberries to snack on before going back inside.

I had picked several earlier this morning to go with my cereal; I also cut up a banana so I have gotten my daily requirement of fruits in today.

This morning after I ate breakfast I went out front and raked the walnut leaves off the lawn and then I watered the gardens in front. The front porch has been collecting a lot of "junk" so I took everything off the porch, swept it and then threw out and recycled a lot of stuff, It does look a lot better although it still has a lot of wood there but if we start remodeling in a couple weeks we will need some of it.

After finishing in the front of the house I went into the back yard and watered all the gardens in the back yard. After I finished watering I gathered up some more flower pots to be recycled and straightened up a little more under the apple tree.

By the time I got back into the house it was 1230 and since I went outside around 0830 I was pretty tired. I was also tired so I made myself a sandwich and then sat and rested for a while.

Kathleen took off to meet with the lady from church today because the lady and her husband are going hunting and would not be around for their regular Wednesday meeting.

Well, has kind of been my day, my feet are bothering me so I think that I will put them up again and see if that helps.


Sue Albert said...

You are not a big salt user, are you? If you eat foods with lots of potassium, it helps flush out extra fluid. Drink lots of water, too. You probably already do these things, but I am just passing along what helps me. Take it easy today!

Bob Roush said...

I do not add salt to anything, and I try to eat bananas and other things that contain potassium plus I do drink quite a lot of water but the problem is most likely as a result of one of the medications that I take. The blood work that I had I had done last week should help determine if that is the case or what else might be the problem.

Until then I am rather miserable, last night I soaked my feet in cold water, just to help relieve the pain. It seemed to help quite a bit so I may have to do that again during the day.

Thanks for your suggestions; I do try to eat and do healthy things, I have watched what I eat ever since Dad had his first heart attack, so it is pretty much second nature to me.