Monday, September 01, 2008

Long Weekend Wrap up

Yesterday was almost a waste for me. I woke up at 0300 and finally got up at 0400 because I knew that I was not going to be able to get back to sleep. So I got and read the whole paper and then made myself breakfast. So after a leisurely early morning I got dressed for church, Kathleen was still sound asleep when I left at 0815 and had just gotten up shortly before I got home about 1130.

By this time my early morning was starting to catch up with me and I could tell that I was not going to get much done the rest of the day. So after changing clothes I went out to the garden to pick a dozen or so cherry tomatoes and my first roma tomato. There were several others that I could have picked but I wanted to give them a couple more days to ripen naturally.

It rained off and on all afternoon and so I wound up taking a couple naps in the afternoon before I finally decided to go to bed when I could not keep my eyes open any longer and managed to get a pretty decent night sleep.

This morning I woke up at a much better time and after eating breakfast I took my time reading the paper and enjoying a cup of coffee. Upon finishing with the paper I put it in the stack of recycling and took it out to the recycling container, and then I got the kitchen recycling and took it out to my composter.

After giving it a couple turns I opened the other side and checked on the contents and all the plant material that I had put in last week had pretty much broken down and was blending in with the rest of the composted material.

While I was out there I pruned the roses and then cut up the shrub that I dug out last week and put them into the yard debris container and took it up front for tomorrows pick up.

After coming inside I went downstairs to the basement and started sorting things down there. Most of it went into a couple piles, one for Alyssa's stuff; one for Aaron's stuff; one for paper recycling one for metal recycling and one for the garbage.

Kathleen came down as I was finishing up sorting and just before I got the broom out to sweep the stairs from the outside entrance to the basement and the floor of the basement. After I finished this I went upstairs and cleaned up and made myself a ham, turkey and provolone sandwich.

After I had finished Kathleen made herself breakfast as I was putting my dishes into the dishwasher. When I finished I took the bag of garbage that I had from sorting in the basement and put it into the garbage can and took it up front.

Most of the rest of the afternoon I spent sitting in my chair dozing off a couple times and getting in one pretty good nap. When I finally awoke the last time I decided that I would do my blog while I still was awake and not have to worry about it later.

Well, it is now just about time for dinner and I need to call up to Kathleen and see what if anything she has planned for dinner. I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend and got rested up before the start of school.

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