Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sweaty Saturday

I must have felt pretty good this morning when I got up because after breakfast I went outside and picked a couple dozen cherry tomatoes and one early girl that had started to rot on the bottom side. After I brought the tomatoes inside I went back outside and pruned the roses and then mowed the back yard and since I was feeling pretty good I went ahead and mowed the front lawn as well; that is something that I have not been able to do for several months.

I was pretty tired when I finished and so I went into the house cleaned up and sat for a while. Before I knew it, it was about 1330 so I reheated the rest of my shrimp gumbo and had that for lunch. Since there was not a lot of it I sliced the bad part off the tomato with a lot extra just to be safe and then cut the remainder into slices and put them onto a couple slices of wheat bread and added a few slices of mozzarella cheese on top and them broiled it in the toaster oven.

Kathleen came downstairs and made herself a couple left-over pancakes for breakfast; I had four of them for breakfast myself and there are still enough for breakfast tomorrow. After we both finished eating I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and turned it on and then went into the living room and took a nap.

When I woke up I had a feeling that I wanted to get a little more done and so I went back outside thinking that I would just work out in the garage for a while; butttttt, since it was such a nice day outside I decided that I would shove some of the soil from the west side of back part of the driveway and move it to the front part of the driveway.

By the time I finished not only was I pretty exhausted but I had a pile of dirt about a foot high and four foot wide by ten foot long. I just did not have enough left in me to level it out so that will have to wait for another day.

It is almost time for dinner so I think that I will go upstairs and see what Kathleen is planning for dinner. While she is doing that I think that I am going to hit the shower and clean up and cool off.

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