Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sore Saturday!

When I woke up this morning not only was my back still sore, although not as sore as when I went to bed, but my legs were really sore. I made it downstairs and was glad that I made it down without my legs giving in on me.

I had a Discipleship Ministry Team meeting this morning and it seemed like it took me forever to get going. I finally made it out the door with a few minutes to spare, or so I thought.

When I went to start my Jeep all I got was a week attempt by the started to turn over. So without even thinking about it I got my jump starter, which I had charged up, and jump started it. I took it along just in case I would need it after my meeting.

The poor Jeep does not get driven enough to keep the battery charged and if I do not think about starting it up once in a while I wind up with a weak or dead battery. Luckily after the meeting it started right up just like it is suppose to do.

I got home about 1130 and since I did not have very much for breakfast I had the rest of the cold pizza from last night and a slice of lemon cake. While I was eating I went through the mail that had come today.

About 1500 I got hungry again so I made myself a couple English muffin pizzas. Since I had not done any hand wash pots and pans for a couple days I decided to gather up all the pots and pans and get them washed.

I had poured a couple containers of water and added the drops to take the chlorine out of the water a couple days ago so since I had the counters and stove top relatively cleared off I decided to give my beta a "bath".

It is amazing how quickly the water turns green in that vase that I keep him in. It does not seem like it was that long ago since I changed the water, it must be the time of year and the amount of light that the water is exposed to.

I am doing this early so that I do not fall asleep before I get a chance to do it later on tonight. Say, did anyone else watch the opening of the Olympics last night? Kind of amazing, but at the same time very sad when one considers the poverty in that country and the amount of money spent on it.


Alyssa said...

I'm so bummed that I missed the opening ceremony. Everyone keeps talking about how great it was. I wonder if I can catch it somehow after the fact.

Anyway, we have the same problem with our riding lawn mower. Every time Dan wants to mow the lawn he has to drive the honda over to the mower and jump start it. Then I have to run back and turn off the car so he doesn't have to get off the's kind of quirky.

Sue Albert said...

I only saw bits and pieces of it from the news. I heard a spectator was murdered. They sure are proud of their pageantry and athleticism, but have no regard for human life.

Maybe after the Olympics are all over, NBC will replay it.

Bob Roush said...

Alyssa, you might check YouTube for the opening ceremony. I am pretty sure that if you do a Google search for it you could probably come up with several places that had it.

Alyssa do you and Dan have a battery charger so that you could give you lawn mower battery a good charge?

If you do not it is a good investment, I have one and I am sure that Greg has one as well.

You might even check with your friends or neighbors to see if they have one you might borrow.

The one that I have allows me to do a quick charge or a slow or trickle charge and it can be set for different voltage levels.

I also have a jump starter, which is something that you could take to where ever the battery is that needs a jump.

Sue, I think NBC is being kind of tight with letting others broadcast the Olympics as they are being played out. Some foreign sites were doing it over the internet, but I think NBC has tried to end that or at least limit it to the US.

Alyssa said...

We googled the opening ceremonies and found a few stories that told about youtube olympic videos being I guess we will have to wait and see if anything else shows up.

I'll mention the battery charger to Dan.

Bob Roush said...

Before I mentioned YouTube I Googled it and I found several on the opening ceremony, so they must have pulled it since I checked.